Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1268 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1268 The Underground Cemetery (17)
"Master, don't you think I'm a fake? Do you think this scythe is the death scythe you gave me?" Cang Haiweilong said and handed the scythe into Leng Ye's hands.

Leng Ye held the sickle and looked at it for a long time, and was sure that this was indeed the one he gave to Canghaiweilong back then, and he couldn't help but believe it.

"Master, since I entered the underground cemetery, I found out that except for you, me and Bing Yuan, the others are all fake. So I asked Bing Yuan to go offline to have a look. As a result, he never Come up. It seems that this place cannot be offline." Cang Haiweilong said.

"No wonder there are counterfeit and shoddy products here, and no one calls me outside." Understanding this problem, Leng Ye trusted Canghai Weilong again.

"Master, you must be wondering why I know so much, right? Just look at this." Cang Haiweilong handed a small mirror into Leng Ye's hands, opened a button on it, and said: "This is Back to the light mirror, you can see everything that happened here in four days."

Leng Ye took a look at the mirror and found that the scene of the Twelve Constellation Team massacring the Twelve Star Souls was being staged on it.Following Canghai Weilong's instructions, Leng Ye magnified one of the images.Then, he saw the five members of the Scorpio team, the mage Mu Xinhong, the mage Huomai, the mage Yimi Yangguang, the thief Xiao Sanmao, and the little soldier Zhang Ga slaughtering the Scorpio star soul.

What surprised Leng Ye was that behind each of the five of them there was a phantom that was almost exactly the same as the five of them. Ying just followed behind, keeping calm and watching.Leng Ye was sure that the five phantoms were not their shadows, and was puzzled.

"Master, these five phantoms are transformed by five little demons. If you don't use the light-returning mirror, you won't be able to find them at all. You can continue to look down." Cang Haiweilong said again.

Leng Ye nodded, and not long after, he was surprised to find that the five phantoms took out a hook-like thing one after another, and hit Mu Xinhong and the others on the back of the head almost at the same time.Then, he saw the five people's brains splashed all over the place, and they were reborn.As soon as they touched the blood of the five people, the five phantoms actually changed into Mu Xinhong and the other five people.

Leng Ye covered his eyes, couldn't bear to watch any more, heaved a long sigh, and said, "Brother Canghai, since they are all fake, then we should find a way to get rid of them."

"Wait a minute, leader! With our strength, we are no match for them at all. Besides, maybe they are also here for the Dahe pulse. Why don't we reap the benefits of the fisherman!" Cang Haiweilong said.

Leng Ye nodded, and he and Cang Haiweilong returned to the table where the spiritual tablet was placed.

Leng Ye looked around, and found that at a time when almost everyone's eyes left the spiritual seat, they turned to look at the portrait on the wall, concentrating on it without any distraction.From the eyes of these people, Leng Ye could see their longing for the people in the portrait, and what surprised Leng Ye even more was that there were faint smiles on the faces of several people.

(End of this chapter)

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