Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1270 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1270 The Underground Cemetery (19)
"Guangzhu, did you call me?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Yeah!" Leng Ye nodded and asked, "Brother, you have been looking at it for quite a while, did you find any major discoveries or have any good suggestions?" Leng Ye asked casually.

"Master, I always feel that Hideki Tojo in the portrait seems to be training a snake. In such a short time, the snake has changed from the thickness of a dick to a giant python that can swallow people. It's scary." Zhang Feng said , trembling, obviously the color of the snake has changed.

Combined with Zhang Feng's words, Leng Ye thinks that Zhang Feng who can call with a pager should not be a fake.Just as he was about to say something, he heard Zhang Feng say again: "Guangzhu, to tell you the truth, just now I was so scared that I wanted to go offline, but the system prompted me not to let me go offline."

Leng Ye was startled, and thought: "Canghai Weilong said he can't come back after going offline, but Zhang Feng said he wouldn't let him go offline, someone must be lying." Then, Leng Ye called the only one who didn't call To Leng Ye's dismay, the system's notification sounded again.

System prompt: Player Canghai Weilong is not in the service area, please call later.

Canghai Weilong had the same reaction as the other dozen or so people. From the point of view of the minority obeying the majority, Leng Ye could directly filter out Zhang Feng.However, reason keeps Leng Ye clear-headed, and he is even more suspicious of Cang Haiweilong and others.

"The monsters are too powerful after being intelligentized, so many counterfeit copies have been made. Their words and deeds are all the same. It is really not so easy to tell which is real and which is fake." Thinking of this, Leng Ye's A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he slapped his thigh, and said, "Cang Hai Wei Long must be a fake!"

In order to prove Zhang Feng's identity, Leng Ye looked at his attributes as usual. What shocked Leng Ye was that after many days, Zhang Feng's level was still level zero, without any progress.

"Brother, have you been busy practicing your skills instead of leveling up?" Leng Ye asked.

"Master, you have to practice skills in the combat zone. However, even if I form a team with others, I have always been at this level. Maybe this is my fate! God is jealous of talents!!!" Zhang Feng sighed.

"If the trumpeter has millions of blood, he will be able to stand upright and continue to boost morale. If his trumpet blowing skills rise to the top level, maybe he can reach [-] to [-]%. It is worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops. If that is the case, the enemy will definitely destroy him first. It seems that Zhang Feng must be equipped with a few bodyguards in the future." Thinking like this, Leng Ye took a picture He patted Zhang Feng on the shoulder and said, "Brother, you are level zero anyway, so you don't have to be afraid of being killed. Now, brother, I will give you a task. Do you have the confidence to complete it?"

"Brother... Chief, you are willing to give away such precious things as the horn of the Dragon Spirit, so why should I be afraid? Since you want to entrust the task to me, it is your recognition of me. Besides, the brother himself is low-level , let alone any concerns. Brother, if you have anything to say, just talk about it.” Zhang Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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