Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1284 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1284 The Underground Cemetery (33)
"Yes, there is an enchantment here, you can't escape." Tojo Hideki said.

"What the fuck, there's actually a barrier!" Leng Ye cursed secretly, and said, "Then let me ask you again, is the Yamato Dagger related to the Dahe Meridian, and what exactly is the Dahe Meridian?"

Hideki Tojo was stunned, and said: "The Yamato dagger is just a key to open the underground cemetery. If you come in, it will be of no use to you. The Yamato vein is related to the national destiny of Japan."

"Let's be clear, which of Japan's national fortunes does the Yamato vein have to do with? Otherwise...hehe..." Leng Ye laughed.

"Yamato is related to Japan's [-] (percent) financial resources, [-] (percent) material resources, and [-] (percent) manpower. The so-called financial resources are related to the probability of gold coins and items reported by Japan to fight monsters. The so-called manpower refers to the morale and so on when fighting against foreign countries." Hideki Tojo said.

"If I break the Yamato vein, will Japan's financial and material resources be added to me?" Leng Ye asked.

"As long as you establish a country, these things will naturally be added to the people of your country." Hideki Tojo said.

"You don't seem to have said what the Dahe vein is?" Leng Ye asked with a smile.

"The so-called Yamato Mai is Japan's ultimate guardian animal, Yamato no Orochi. Whoever owns Yamato no Orochi can command the monsters in Japan. If you own the small Hachi of Yamato no Orochi, you can command the eighties of Japan. One of the monsters is already quite impressive." Hideki Tojo said.

"One eightyth? Are you sure it's not one eighth?" Leng Ye asked.

"That's right! Each part of Yamato no Orochi can command one-eightyth of the monsters, but together they can command [-]% of the monsters in Japan." Hideki Tojo said.

"If you kill Yamato no Orochi, it's equivalent to breaking the Yamato vein, isn't it?" Leng Ye asked.

"That's right. It's a pity that you have no chance. The other seven parts of Yamato no Orochi are all under my control. As for Xiao Hachi, you can take it if you want, but you only have six months to control it. By then, I will practice another one," Tojo said.

"You want to control the undead in Japan? Do you want to help Japan attack other countries?" Leng Ye asked.

Hideki Tojo shook his head, and said: "I was here to protect Yamato Mai, but I didn't expect that the young people above disappointed me so much that you broke in. I want to control a billion undead first. Destroy them, and then rule the entire undead world. Haha~~"

"He has set a high value in front of Empress Nuwa, if he tells half a lie, he will be killed immediately." Leng Ye reminded.

"If I have half a lie, I'm afraid I've turned into coke now. Let's say you only asked eight questions, and now you have the last question, so hurry up and ask!" Hideki Tojo said.

"There are two left?" Leng Ye was startled when he heard that, and immediately thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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