Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1286 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1286 The Underground Cemetery (35)
System prompt: This is not the North Pole, wishes cannot be used.

"Fuck! If I can reach the North Pole, I still need to use this wish here!" Leng Ye said depressed.

Then, he turned his attention to the few skills he learned in Elven Tan. Except for the spirit snake sword that reached level [-], the other skills were really bad, so he shook his head again and gave up.

In the end, Leng Ye re-examined the few skills he had learned from the left and right guardians of the Spirit Mountain. However, when he remembered that the level of the left and right guardians was far lower than that of Tojo Hideki, he gave up again.

"Personal strength is very humble. Do you want me to use combined skills? Six stars orbiting the sun, Big Dipper Seven Star Formation, and North Pole Big Dipper Formation. If you want to use them, you have to pass my six wives over. But if these three skills can't kill Hideki Tojo, then my wives will be in danger. If Hideki Tojo threatens me with Shuang'er and the others, it will be very bad But if I don’t do this, I really can’t think of a way to deal with Hideki Tojo. Should I send them over? Also, is Shuang’er already online?” Leng Ye hesitated.

At this moment, Leng Ye saw the cherry blossoms that Hideki Tojo was sitting on spinning rapidly around the entire lotus platform, gradually burning up.

The red light was dazzling, and Leng Ye vaguely felt a strong sense of murderousness and suffocation from it, thinking: "The lazy sword must never be lost, must not be lost!!! Kill Tojo Hideki, and the seven giant pythons in it will also After death, Little Japan's national fortune will also decline! What's the harm in sacrificing Shuang'er and the others!" Immediately, the right hand grabbed the wedding ring on the left hand and turned it.

As soon as the wedding ring was turned, Leng Ye heard the system's notification beeping.

System prompt: Player Shuang'er is not online, please call again later.

"Why is Shuang'er still not here? So Zimei is not out of danger yet?" Leng Ye was faintly worried.In a hurry, he also forgot that the other lazy swords had not been less than six hours, so he drew it straight out, and stabbed at Hideki Tojo, who was still "closed eyes and resting his mind" on the lotus platform, with his hands clasped.

However, before Leng Ye could take two steps, Lazy Sword came out of his hand.

"Be sure to let the lazy sword stay in the ice scabbard for more than six hours before you can take it out, otherwise this time will be very short, and if you are not careful, the lazy sword will become demonic."

Leng Ye only remembered Zhu Longquan's words when he saw the lazy sword drop. However, it was too late, even if he pointed the ice scabbard at the lazy sword flying randomly in the air, it would be difficult to recall it.

"Magic! Demonic!" Leng Ye murmured, squatting down on the ground.

At this moment, the scene of Lazy Sword killing Missile Princess and Gentle Knife outside the blacksmith shop appeared in front of him again, which made him deeply feel the danger of Lazy Sword.

Then, the scene of Lazy Sword fighting Demon Killing Sword in the air came back from Leng Ye's memory.This also made Leng Ye deeply feel the power of the lazy sword.

(End of this chapter)

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