Chapter 1299
As soon as he got out of the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God Palace, Leng Ye called for the Redbud flower, and the voice of the Redbud flower came from the other side soon: "Husband, what can you do?"

"Zi'er, I'm going offline to rest, do you want to come together?" Leng Ye said grimly.

"Bad guy! I understand." Bauhinia's voice was very low, and it was difficult to hide the shyness in her heart.

"You can't treat one more favorably than another!" Leng Ye smiled, and called Qiu Zimei again, but unexpectedly there was a system prompt.

The system prompts: The other party is not in the service area, please call again later.

"Not in the service area? That means online! Zimei, Zimei, it's not that your husband is ruthless, it's that you are not blessed." Leng Ye shook his head, sighed, and then silently said "offline."

"What should I do first? Of course I'm going to take a shower." Leng Ye smiled triumphantly, and rushed into the bathroom naked.

Leng Ye was singing an improved vulgar song in the bathroom that he didn't bother to sing before. Suddenly, he found a small hand rubbing his back, and his hands were on his chest, and his pores immediately stood up. In the game, Leng Ye is naturally fearless, but this is in the real world, so he has to be afraid.

"There is a ghost! I'd better wait and see what happens." Thinking like this, Leng Ye stood quietly, waiting for the "ghost" to make further moves.

Leng Ye vaguely felt that those hands were warm, and after a while, he picked up a bath towel and wiped it on his back, thinking: "This ghost seems to have memories of his previous life, and he knows how to use this thing." Thinking of it this way, he felt rather complacent, hoping that the female ghost behind him would be a beautiful female ghost.

"No! It's said that ghosts are very cold, why are his hands so hot?" Leng Ye got goosebumps when he thought about it, and he was overjoyed: "Could it be that little girl Bauhinia?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye is not so scared.

Suddenly, Leng Ye saw the mirror in the washroom, and cursed secretly: "Leng Ye, Leng Ye! You are so stupid." He could vaguely see a long-haired person in the foggy mirror. , it should be a woman, and she doesn't seem to be wearing clothes, at least not a coat.Looking at the figure again, she is not familiar with it, but it looks a bit like a redbud flower.Seeing this, Leng Ye was overjoyed: "I didn't expect that my beautiful wife with the best body and the best figure who has never been married would take the initiative to rub my back, hehe!"

After rubbing his back, Leng Ye quickly turned around, and then heard a scream.The cry came from a girl's mouth this time, and there was only one sound from her mouth.

"Zi'er, it's really you! I thought it was a ghost!" Leng Ye smiled and wanted to pull the girl up from the ground, but the girl still wanted to resist and refused to get up.Leng Ye was overjoyed, and also squatted down, looking at Bauhinia's face, it was already flushed.

"You came in by yourself, and you also took the initiative to rub my back. How can you be shy?" Leng Ye thought, and pulled the hands of Bauhinia covering her eyes with both hands, and pulled them away with a little force.

"Old...husband." Bauhinia called softly.

"Zi'er, I've finished washing, let me rub your back!" Leng Ye said proudly.

"Mmm—" Bauhinia whispered, stood up, and quickly turned around.

As soon as she stood up, Leng Ye picked her up and rushed to the bedroom.

As soon as Leng Ye arrived in the bedroom, she threw the bauhinia flowers on the big round bed.Bauhinia closed her eyes slightly, waiting for Leng Ye's love.

Under the dim light in the room, Leng Ye looked at the almost perfect body of Bauhinia, and gently touched Bauhinia's skin, feeling extremely delicate and smooth.

Gently lay down beside the redbud flower, and Leng Ye kissed the redbud flower on his mouth... Soon, Leng Ye couldn't hold himself anymore...

Spring dawn overnight.Leng Ye woke up early, looked at the redbud flower beside him that was still sleeping peacefully, smiled, and walked out of the bedroom.


As soon as Leng Ye went out, he heard a scream. Looking carefully, he found that it was the little girl Qiu Zimei. At this moment, the little girl's mouth opened into a big O shape, looking surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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