Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1304 The Mysterious City Lord

Chapter 1304 The Mysterious City Lord

"Haha~~ Young Master Leng, don't ask any more questions. Go and issue the founding decree. As long as the Sword Demon Palace is the first to become an empire, brother, I will definitely give you a lot of benefits." The city lord said.

When Leng Ye heard that there was a reward, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "My lord, what are the benefits? Let me talk about it first, so that I can be encouraged."

"Young Xia Leng, you'd better hurry up and get the founding decree. I can't say what the specific rewards will be, but I assure you that there will be no less than five," said the city lord.

"My lord, Jianguo Ling is easy to talk about. I just want the city lord to help me get a piece of ice spirit stone." Leng Ye said.It's a pity that the two flying stones given by Shenwu Liulang, one is a fire spirit stone and the other is a wind spirit stone, and there is no ice spirit stone, which made Leng Ye very depressed for a while.

"Young Xia Leng, this is indeed beyond my ability, please forgive my incompetence." The city lord sighed.

"Haha~ I was just joking with my elder brother, take it, here is the Jianguo Token." Leng Ye said and handed the Jianguo Token to the city lord.

The city lord was shocked, and fought to receive the Jianguo Token with both hands, held it carefully, looked at Leng Ye with extremely complicated eyes, and after a long time, he murmured: "Young Xia Leng is really powerful, even this kind of thing I can get it, my brother admires it! I admire it!"

"Master City Lord, then hurry up and upgrade the Sword Demon Palace to a state!" Leng Ye reminded.

The city lord waved his hand and said: "Young Master Leng, don't worry, the establishment of the Sword Demon Empire needs to apply to the higher authorities, but I will do it as soon as possible, and then the Sword Demon Empire will be directly upgraded to a higher level empire."

Leng Ye has seen knowledge about building an empire on the official forum.He knows that the empire is divided into a first-tier empire, a second-tier empire, and a third-tier empire, and the empire level is lowered at a time.Among them, the first-level empire can accommodate five hundred gangs, the second-level empire can accommodate three hundred empires, and the third-level gang can accommodate one hundred empires.The empire directly promoted from the S-level gang can only be the third-level, but the city lord let the Sword Demon Palace directly upgrade to the first-level Sword Demon Empire, which is indeed far beyond Leng Ye's expectations.

The China region is so big that there are more than 2000 gangs, large and small. If you can unite them to the outside world, you only need an empire.Most of the other countries have a small number of people. Generally speaking, a third-level empire is enough to accommodate all the gangs in their country.

If [-] gangs from the China region entered the Sword Demon Empire and fought alone, it would be enough to trample any country in the world under its feet.Of course, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in China cannot be the only empire of the Sword Demon Empire, and civil war is inevitable. This is also the concern of Leng Ye and others. Leng Ye only hopes that everyone can be as consistent as possible.

"My lord, now you can talk about the five rewards!" Leng Ye said.

"Young Xia Leng, the first reward is to upgrade the Sword Demon Empire from the third level to the second level, and the second reward is to upgrade the Sword Demon Empire from the second level to the first level. Forgive me for your boldness, these two rewards have already been replaced. You are in charge," said the city lord.

Losing two rewards in the blink of an eye, Leng Ye was obviously a little depressed, but he held back his anger and said to the city lord, "Master city lord, what about the other three rewards?"

"Young Xia Leng, the third reward is the Medal of Honor of the China Region that I will give you," said the city lord.

Dizzy in the cold night.He hurriedly said, "What about the fourth and fifth items?"

"Young Xia Leng will know the other two items after the establishment of the Sword Demon Empire," said the city lord.

Leng Ye was a little disappointed, but the city lord was in high spirits, and after handing over the founding decree, he actually wanted to drag Leng Ye to drink.In the cold night, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, so they had no choice but to accompany them.

While drinking, Leng Ye asked the city lord about the "National Line" and when the time came, he bid farewell to the city lord and walked straight to the Japanese area.

(End of this chapter)

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