Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 132: Into the Sumeru

Chapter 132: Into the Sumeru (2) ([-])
There was no hope of cheating, so Leng Ye had no choice but to call out the Divine Condor, and found a comfortable place to lie down as usual.From Leng Ye's point of view, no matter whether the six girls can find the three fairies or not, they will come here to look for him, so he should just sleep soundly.

"Smelly husband, why do you have such good luck every time, we all rush to nothing! What's the reason?" It was Shuang'er who disturbed Leng Ye's dream again.

"I am Tianli!" Leng Ye got up, rubbed his eyes, and stretched himself.

"But when we saw the second fairy was leaving, she didn't point to you! How did you know?" Shuang'er said with a hint of doubt, puzzlement, and dissatisfaction.

"The secret must not be leaked!" Leng Ye smiled and said proudly.But he still admires Shuang'er's ability to learn and sell now.

"Guided by color, you found the big fairy; guided by movements, you found the second fairy; but how did you determine the position of the third fairy?" Shuang'er muttered to herself, trying to find out where The secret of the secret, taught the cold night, and has avenged all the women's quilts.

Shuang'er and the quintuplet sisters murmured something, then turned to Leng Ye and said, "You can be a master if you endure hardships; in ancient times, King Gou Jian of Yue lived hard and tasted courage, and Han Xin endured the humiliation under his crotch. There are our six sisters avenging shame..."

Leng Ye thought to himself, even the humiliation of the crotch was brought out, they wouldn't make a collective sacrifice in broad daylight, right?Immediately, an absurd and lewd scene appeared in front of his eyes, and he asked, "How about the six of you today?"

"Today, our six sisters walk away from their husbands to avenge their shame and win the bet!" Shuang'er's bold words are like a heroine.

Leng Ye walked around Shuang'er twice, and looked at Shuang'er carefully: from top to bottom, from left to right, he couldn't see that Shuang'er had the strength to carry her husband to travel far.Of course, he couldn't bear his beloved Shuang'er to be such a coolie, and said: "It's okay to carry your husband forward, let's go with your support!"

Most men are low-spirited, desperately fighting for what they can't get, and don't know how to cherish it when they get it.Although Leng Ye is like this in his bones, he can stand out from the crowd and take good care of his woman.Originally, he wanted to hurt the girls, but he also disappeared without a trace following Shuang'er's initiative.

Before going far, the group found a small mountain.The mountain is not high, but it is covered with pines, surrounded by green water, and the mist on the top of the mountain looks like a fairyland on earth.

Leng Ye took the six girls along the path up the mountain, accompanied by the beautiful surroundings, not only did he not realize that he had reached the top of the mountain.

The sun is setting slowly, but the sky is full of sunset.The setting sun is better than the morning sun, and the sunset is better than the morning glow.Although you can't enjoy the beauty of the sunrise, seeing such a view on the top of this beautiful hill is a great joy in life.

The setting sun and sunset appeared with the appearance of the fairies. Now no one had any doubts about Leng Ye's guess, and it was even more certain that the three fairies were in this mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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