Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1320 Crow Team

Chapter 1320 Crow Team (1)
Leng Ye naturally thought of this too, and just like saying goodbye to Hideki Tojo last time, he quickly took out the Sword Token, and the next moment, he appeared again in Jianzhong Mountain.In order to prevent the quintuplet sisters from being buried alive, he hastened to turn the wedding ring...

"Hey~~ It's so dirty! I was almost buried alive!!!" The five girls complained, chattering.

"What is this place?" Mercury exclaimed when he first discovered this beautiful and pleasant place in front of him.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Husband, how did you find out about this place? It's so beautiful!" Mars exclaimed.

Leng Ye smiled and said in his heart: "I won't be so interested when you see the grave later." Now he took the quintuplet sisters for a casual tour in Jianzhong Mountain.

Night had fallen, and the entire Jianzhong Mountain was gloomy, and the sounds of frogs and shoveling came from time to time, adding to the horror.The quintuplets couldn't help moving closer to Leng Ye, each of them was terrified. However, the more they were like this, the more exciting they felt, and none of them wanted to go back.

Before they knew it, Leng Ye brought them to the Sword Tomb.

"Honey, it's been six hours, hurry up and let the little sun out!" Mercury shuddered when he saw Jianzhong through the moonlight, obviously he couldn't hold on any longer.

Leng Ye pulled out the lazy sword and waved it in the air, the little sun came out, bouncing around in the air, shining with dazzling light, illuminating the entire Jianzhong Mountain.

"Husband, you said that Jianzhong Ling was taken out of the grave. Then did you clean up the contents last time? I must take a look. There may still be something inside." Huo Huo said , Then he swung the staff in his hand towards the grave.

"Silly girl!" Leng Ye laughed secretly at Huo Huan's innocent behavior, but unexpectedly, after the staff fell, the grave actually split from the middle.Like the previous two times, the coffin inside appeared before Leng Ye's eyes again.

The girls stared blankly.Especially Huo Huo, who thought he had disturbed the late sword demon Dugu Qiubai Qingxiu, his mouth was so frightened that he froze.

"It seems that something new will appear in this coffin." Leng Ye was secretly proud.That's because he guessed from what he had seen and heard several times before that this coffin (it was said to be the sword mound) had a certain growth potential, and it would bring him different surprises almost every time.

"Five good wives, don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!" Leng Ye comforted.

After listening to Leng Ye's words, the quintuplet sisters gradually recovered from their panic.Slowly, they looked at Leng Ye one by one, looking curious.

"Wifes, it's time for your husband to make a fortune again, please take a look!" Leng Ye laughed loudly, and lifted the coffin lid with the tip of his sword.

Suddenly, countless dense golden birds flew out of the coffin. Before Leng Ye had time to see what it was, his eyes went dark and he didn't know anything.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the divine beast Golden Crow, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

"The Divine Beast Golden Crow?" As soon as Leng Ye came back to life, enduring the severe pain, he immediately realized the existence of danger. As soon as his thoughts came out, he directly summoned Xu Fu and the five hundred virgins and five hundred virgins.Then, he was killed by the Golden Crow. (The data description of the five hundred virgins and five hundred virgins in the previous article was wrong, and it has been corrected now!)
(End of this chapter)

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