Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1322 Crow Team

Chapter 1322 Crow Team (3)
"I guess too! Husband, guess [-]! Whoever guesses and loses must agree to one condition unconditionally." Mercury laughed.

"Third sister, if my husband kills one, won't it become [-]?" Saxing said, childishly speaking.

"Yes! Fifth sister, you are so smart. Old...husband, guess [-]!" Mercury hurriedly changed.


Leng Ye also discovered that there was an astonishing coincidence in this incident, and thought: "Could it be God's will!" At that moment, Leng Ye stared closely at the earth crows flying out of the coffin one by one, and another crow flew out of the coffin one by one. Subdued only by boys and girls...

"190 eight, 190 nine, two hundred!" The girls counted loudly, and the counting stopped abruptly here.They all stared at the coffin in horror, not daring to breathe.

1 minute passed, 2 minutes passed, 5 minutes passed...

Just as the girls were about to celebrate their victory, thick smoke of five colors suddenly burst out of the coffin.After a while, a crow that was bigger than the previous crows flew out of it. This crow had feathers in five colors: golden yellow, mahogany, pure white, fiery red, and khaki.Five kinds of dazzling lights burst out from the feathers, instantly flashing the eyes of the quintuplet sisters, making them afraid to open their eyes again.Although this kind of light is dazzling, it is still a little worse than the light that occasionally bursts out from the lazy sword, so that Leng Ye can barely bear it.Leng Ye knew that this was the boss coming out.

As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, Leng Ye saw the attributes of this big crow.

Colorful Blood Crow: Super beast, attack? ? ?defense? ? ?life? ? ?speed? ? ?

"Even the super beasts have come out, I wonder if Xu Fu can handle it?" Leng Ye couldn't help worrying secretly about Xu Fu's thin body.

What made Leng Ye even more unbearable was that those boys and girls who had already possessed crows all stood by and remained indifferent.

Xu Fu raised his head and stared at the colorful blood crow motionless, and the colorful blood crow just flapped its wings lightly and didn't intend to attack anyone.Even so, Leng Ye could still feel the air current driven by the colorful blood crow's flapping wings, as well as the frightening murderous aura.

"Boys and virgins can easily kill those little crows, Xu Fu is also the boss among virgins, he should be able to deal with colorful blood crows!" Thinking of this, Leng Ye felt a little unwelcome again.

At this time, the colorful blood crow suddenly roared, looked up to the sky, and then spat out a mouthful of blood from its mouth.Immediately, blood filled the entire sky.

"Not good!" Leng Ye yelled, and immediately directed the little sun to fly over the heads of the quintuplet sisters.

Soon, a bloody wind blew up in the sky, and then, blood rained within the sight range.Before Leng Ye had time to escape, he didn't know anything when his eyes went dark.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by a colorful blood crow, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

After being resurrected, Leng Ye's eyes went dark, and he lost his intuition again.


In this way, Leng Ye was killed four times in a row by the colorful blood crow before he could crush the scroll back to the city.When Leng Ye stood up for the fourth time, he knew that if he died again, he would really die. (Note: Currently Leng Ye has three pieces of Heshibi, Shui Rulan has one piece, and Shuang'er has one piece.)
(End of this chapter)

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