Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1328 Wishing at the North Pole

Chapter 1328 Wishing at the North Pole (1)
"Brother, the opportunity is good. The empire is about to be established. If you have time to level up, work hard!" After saying this to Yuan Zhiai, Leng Ye left straight away.

"What are you going to do? Have a meeting? Isn't there no way to find a meeting? Isn't it that as a gang leader, you should care about the current situation in the gang!" At that moment, Leng Ye called the Luobaizi and Jindao successively, but they all responded all good.

"Go to the Sword Demon Mansion and relax with the girls? That's a good idea." Thinking of this, Leng Ye called Shuang'er and the others respectively.In the end, except for Xuemei who was busy with gang affairs, they all went to accompany the crow team in the private room of the Sword Demon Restaurant with the quintuplet sisters.

"Leveling? It's already so high, it seems unnecessary!" Leng Ye denied this idea again.

"What are you going to do?" At this moment, Leng Ye really didn't know what to do, feeling a little lonely.


Bored, Leng Ye decided to practice the three skills of "Huang Hua", "North Pole Sword Technique" and "Sword Bullet".

"Huanghua needs to catch a monster and kill it non-stop. However, with my current attack, I am afraid that no mob can withstand it! However, killing monsters can kill me instantly! It is a pity that Ruyi Bian fell into the hands of Shenwu Liulang , otherwise I can transform into an attack that is [-] small swords at will." At this time, Leng Ye suddenly thought of the Ruyi Transformation that had helped him more than once, and felt sour.

"'Arctic swordsmanship' cannot be used in places other than the North Pole until it reaches the top level (level [-]), so naturally it cannot be practiced in places other than the North Pole. Besides, the star level of the North Pole must be upgraded. Besides, go to the North Pole to practice 'sword It’s a good choice, and it can also reduce air pollution.” Having made up his mind, Leng Ye turned back again, came to the teleportation array, paid a considerable amount of teleportation fee, and pressed the North Pole option.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Leng Ye appeared again in this barren land covered with ice and snow.

It was night now, covered by snow and ice, and it was fairly bright here.But he still quickly called out Little Sun, because it was too cold here, and he didn't have any warm clothes to protect himself.As for whether the little sun will melt the icebergs here and raise the global water level, or whether the little sun will be frozen to death by the icebergs, this is not what Leng Ye can care about, and it is all left behind by Leng Ye .

A meteor streaked across the sky, attracting Leng Ye's attention.He couldn't help but recall the scene of watching meteors and making a wish with Xue'er before, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of desolation in his heart.

"Xue'er, where are you?" Leng Ye lamented.

"Then I'll make a wish, I hope Xue'er will return to my side soon!" Leng Ye quickly found the red thread from the ring of space, ready to tie a knot in his hand at any time.

Time passed by every minute and every second, however, I don't know if the sky is deliberately against Leng Ye, the meteor never came again.The night slowly fell, and the temperature in the North Pole became even lower. However, Leng Ye was still standing stupidly, waiting for the meteor, waiting for Xue'er in his mind.

"Xue'er, I'm waiting for the meteor to make a wish, I hope you come back soon!" Leng Ye said sadly.Then, the system beep sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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