Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1340 2 Bought a Beauty

Chapter 1340 2000 Bought a Beauty (2)
It is undeniable that Shuang'er also has an angelic face, but compared with the flawless and peerless beauty in front of her, she is still a little bit worse, just a little bit.Leng Ye looked at Shuang'er, Lian Sheng praised: "Beautiful! Beautiful! All beautiful!"

After hearing Leng Ye's praise, the stunning beauty suddenly said, "Husband, take a look at what this is?"

"Husband? She actually called me husband!" Leng Ye was overwhelmed by flattery, and felt extremely relieved, and said in his heart; "With such a wife, what more can a husband ask for!"

"Honey, why are you in a daze, take a look!" the stunning beauty urged.

"Damn it! I didn't expect such a peerless beauty to be a rose with thorns, but I like it. But I gave me a ring when we first met, this... I have to return the gift!" Leng Ye was happy in his heart, but his face was calm, Hastily dug out an artifact ring from the ring of space and handed it to the stunning beauty, and then carefully took a purple ring from the stunning beauty.

After the exchange of the rings between the two parties, Leng Ye took a look at the attributes of the rings, and was shocked!

Holy Ring of Nine Dragons: Magical Artifact, attribute is not turned on, one of the components of Nine Dragons set, dedicated to Sword Demon.

"Another professional suit is added, cool! Cool!" Leng Ye directly stuffed the Nine Dragon Holy Ring into the space without asking the other party's permission.

Leng Ye breathed a sigh of relief, only then realized that the stunning beauty might be called by Shuang'er to sell the ring, looked at Shuang'er, and said, "Shuang'er, have you given me the money?"

"Money? What money?" Shuang'er looked at Leng Ye in surprise, with a look of surprise.

"Ring money!" Leng Ye reminded.

As soon as Leng Ye's words fell, she heard the stunning beauty say: "Husband, the Nine Dragons Holy Ring is my dowry, and I will definitely not sell it unless you are willing to pay 2000 million yuan to marry me."

"This... this..." Leng Ye hesitated to speak.If it is said that Leng Ye, the peerless beauty who came to her door, does not want it, it is absolutely a lie.And 2000 million is a trivial matter for him, but it is too immoral to be suspected of buying and selling marriage.He was bound to obtain the Nine Dragons Holy Ring again. At that moment, Leng Ye set his sights on Shuang'er and the others behind the voice of the stunning beauty.

Leng Ye found that the eyes of Shuang'er and the girls looked at him a bit strangely, but the stunning beauty in front of him was looking at him with ambiguous eyes, and Leng Ye felt a little familiar with this look, but, as for Where he saw it, he couldn't remember.However, Leng Ye is [-]% convinced that the stunning beauty in front of him is something he has never seen before, even in his dreams.

"Who is she? Why does she call me husband as soon as we meet? Could it be that she has admired me for a long time like Zimei?" Leng Ye murmured in his heart, couldn't help shaking his head, suddenly thoughtful, thinking: "The game's voice translation system has not been opened yet. Could it be that she can only say the word 'husband'? Or is Shuang'er joking with her and telling her that this is my name?"

"Husband, do you think I'm pretty?" The stunning beauty deliberately posed in front of Leng Ye, and also gave Leng Ye a wink.

Leng Ye found that Shuang'er and the other women were all looking at the stunning beauty with envious eyes. He was [-]% sure that there was only envy in their eyes but not the slightest jealousy. "How could this be? How could they not be jealous at all?" Leng Ye was a little puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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