Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1343 Double Happiness

Chapter 1343 Double Happiness (1)
"What happy event is more important than now!" Leng Ye directly hung up the beeper, and started groping around Shuang'er again.

Soon, Leng Ye's pager rang again.

"Xue'er, my business is more important than yours!" Leng Ye said again into the beeper, and then hung up again.

ding ding ding...

The beeper kept ringing.However, no matter how it rang, Leng Ye refused to answer it.

Leng Ye gently took off Shuang'er's clothes, and then saw Shuang'er's fair and delicate skin, and her beautiful ketone body, and Leng Ye was stunned immediately.That's because he saw that Shuang'er's skin was as white and tender as that of an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, and like a lotus emerging from water, without a trace of dirt.Although Shuang'er's figure was already like a devil before, Leng Ye could clearly feel the subtle changes.This transformed body is more concave and convex than before, more graceful and moving.

"Even if it's a holy-level cosmetology, it doesn't need to transform the whole body, right? It's like a plastic surgery." Leng Ye glanced at Shuang'er, who was still panting, and the second daughter standing beside her, and suddenly understood everything.

During this period of time, Leng Ye has been busy with this and that, ignoring the feelings of the women.It should be known that no matter how beautiful flowers are, they need constant watering with dew. Only by constant moisturizing can they bloom more beautifully, otherwise they will wither and wither quickly.

"Shuang'er, my husband treats you well today." Leng Ye was about to press on Shuang'er's body when he heard the door slamming, and turned his head to see that it was Shui Rulan rushing in.

"Lan Lan, don't worry! Everyone has a share!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Honey, stop making trouble, something serious happened." Shui Rulan hurriedly said.

Leng Ye misunderstood Shui Rulan's meaning, felt a little embarrassed, and smiled wryly.

"It must be Xue'er who called Lan Lan. Talk about happy events for a while, and important things for a while, just come here and say no. These two dead girls know how to disturb my interest!" Leng Ye sighed.But he knew that Shui Rulan would never lie, so he immediately lost interest, kissed Shuang'er on the face, and put on his clothes directly.

"You wait for me here, no one is allowed to leave!" Leng Ye said to the girls, and then walked out of the bedroom door...

As soon as he entered the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God's Palace, Leng Ye saw Xuemei, and was about to get angry with her, but he saw the Lost Young Master and the Golden Knife were there.

"These two big brothers probably won't mess around with Xue'er, it seems that something big must happen." Leng Ye collected himself and went straight to his seat.

"Honey, I'll show you something, don't get excited!" Xuemei laughed, then took out a purple armor and handed it to Leng Ye.

The entire body of this armor is purple, black through the purple, it looks very noble, and it has a faint murderous aura, which makes people daunting.

"Nine Dragon Sacred Armor!" Leng Ye exclaimed when he saw the attributes of the armor, and his mouth opened into a big O shape again.Leng Ye couldn't help being excited to get two sets of professional suits in one day.

(End of this chapter)

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