Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1346 Going Alone

Chapter 1346 Going Alone (1)
"Xiao Ye, I can understand the difficulty of the SSS-level mission. Do you want me to call all the Zodiac Team and Zodiac Team to help you?" Jin Dao said suddenly as soon as he walked out the door.

"Zodiac team? Is it also 60 people?" Leng Ye wondered.

"Yes. This is the last time we formed the Twelve Constellation Team after the son came back. The Twelve Constellation Team and the Twelve Zodiac Team represent the strongest strength of the current Jingu. Whether it is strength or the occupation of the five-member team In combination, the Zodiac team is better than the Zodiac team. However, what the Zodiac team lacks is cooperation, and this is the only reason why it can't compete with the Zodiac team." Jin Dao said proudly .

Leng Ye pondered for a moment, and said: "The journey here is dangerous. It is good if you can complete the mission, but if you fail to complete the mission, there will be heavy casualties. The defense of the city is imminent, and they can be regarded as the backbone of the defense. Coupled with the large number of people It will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble, so I will not let them take this risk. Thank you for your kindness."

"Brothers, why are you so polite! Brother, then I will go separately with Brother Young Master to contact the Clan Leader in China." Jin Dao said.

"Wait a minute, big brother. There are so many gangs in China. It's hard to do it in a short period of time with just the two of you. I know that big brother and young master are cautious and like to do everything by themselves. I admire that very much. But if a gang wants to develop, it must be mobilized." All the enthusiasm of the top and bottom, otherwise it will be difficult to make a big difference. I think this is the case. Except for a few big and difficult gangs, the rest will be handed over to the eight elders and the hall masters and deputy hall masters. Doubt There is no need for people, and there is no doubt about employing them, not to mention that they are all recruited by us through long-term selection and assessment." Leng Ye said.

"Yes! Chief." Jin Dao and Young Master Luo said respectfully.Looking at Leng Ye's expression, they added a bit of respect.

Just as Leng Ye was about to start, Xuemei followed and said, "Honey, do you want me to go there? My Nine Heavens Profound Bow is almost rusting."

"Haha! You just obediently settle the accounts for me here, and I will pass you on when I want you to show off." Leng Ye laughed.

"Honey, are Sister Lanlan and Sister Shuang'er the same as me?" Xuemei asked again.

"Well! I'll go there alone first, and I'll send you over when I have clues." Leng Ye replied.

"That's good!" Xuemei looked smug, and after giving Leng Ye a kiss, she rushed towards the Sword Demon Building.

Leng Ye didn't know what the little girl was doing, so she smiled and walked straight towards the teleportation array...

When he came to the border teleportation, Leng Ye saw Maya again. After a few days, he found that Maya was much more beautiful and attractive, especially the mature femininity revealed in her bones that Shuang'er and even Shui Rulan couldn't match. have.Maya looked at Leng Ye with anticipation and ambiguity. Her smile was sweet and lovable.

"Brother, where are you going this time?" Maya said first.

"Sister, I mainly came to see you this time, and I will go abroad to do a mission by the way." Leng Ye said with a smile.One sentence, two sayings, naturally have different effects.

(End of this chapter)

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