Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1348 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1348 SSS-level task of the Vatican (1)
"There must be a ghost in here!" Leng Ye secretly confirmed this point.Let Xiaobai stop at the main entrance of the church, and he came down carefully.After that, he checked the gate again and found that it was impossible to get in.

"Could it be that only the letter from the Empress Lemur can open this door?" Thinking this way, Leng Ye immediately took out the letter, trying to use it to open the door of the church as if sensing the gate of the cemetery with a lazy sword.However, to Leng Ye's dismay, the church door remained motionless.

"Looks like it won't work if you don't make some noise. I can't control that much!" Leng Yefei kicked up.With a loud bang, the door opened.Leng Ye was overjoyed, and then saw two young men dressed as priests and holding iron guns walking out.

"Bold lunatics, dare to come to the solemn and holy place of the church to make trouble, get out of here!" one of the pastors said.

"The world is so big, there are no surprises. These days even priests don't use staffs but guns instead. It's strange, really strange!" Leng Ye was stunned, and for the sake of safety, he secretly used a magic trick on the two priests in front of him. Forensics.

As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, the priest's attributes immediately appeared before Leng Ye's eyes.

Smuggler: low-rank red-pin fairy, life [-] million, attack [-] million, defense [-] million, speed [-], skills: tornado gun wind (strike multiple enemies close at the same time); thunderbolt strike (high Leap up, fall hard, and thus deal a triple blow to the enemy).

Murderer: low-rank red-grade fairy, life [-] million, attack [-] million, defense [-] million, speed [-], skills: tornado gun wind (strikes multiple nearby enemies at the same time); earth spear (combines ice The attribute of harmony will freeze the surrounding enemies).

For Leng Ye, who is used to seeing the attributes of gods and beasts, the attributes of smugglers and murderers are nothing.Leng Ye had never seen it before, so he guessed that it was probably similar to a fairy beast.It was also for this reason that Leng Ye could not really determine the power of the three skills of the two immortals.

"Selling dog meat on a sheep's pedestal, these days the prisoners are all dressed in the priest's coat, could it be considered that they have put down their butcher knives and become Buddhas immediately! However, to be able to guard the gate with monsters at the level of fairy beasts, it seems that the inside must be extremely dangerous." Leng Ye He smiled wryly, with some anticipation and a little fear.

"Bold lunatic, dare to come to the solemn and holy place of the church to make trouble, get out of here!" Another priest shouted.

Leng Ye was startled, thinking: "Could it be that these two pastors can only say this line? If so, then their IQs are not much higher." Leng Ye was secretly happy, and flashed the letter in front of him. , Said: "I was entrusted by Lucas (Queen Lemur) to deliver a letter to General Xiaomi."

The smuggler and the murderer looked at each other, then turned to Leng Ye.The smuggler came over, tilted his head to look at the cover of the letter, stood back up again, and whispered something to the murderer.Finally, he said to Leng Ye: "Young Xia Leng, wait a moment, I'll go in and report right away."

No sooner had the smuggler entered than the murderer closed the door.What surprised Leng Ye was that this time the murderer even locked himself out.

(End of this chapter)

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