Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1350 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1350 SSS-level task of the Vatican (3)
"Damn! He died. He really died before he could finish his mission, wasting a resurrection!" Leng Ye looked at the white circle on the verge of his waist and abdomen depressedly, but in his heart he was expecting a miracle to happen, looking forward to the long sword cutting off the white circle , which is currently his only life-saving straw.

At this moment of life and death, at the moment when the long sword cut the white circle, Leng Ye really felt the threat of death.


A loud noise pulled Leng Ye back from the fright.He was surprised to find that the white circle formed by the murderer's gunfire had disappeared, and at the same time, the long sword had already fallen between his legs, and the blade had been attached to his lifeblood.

"It can't be gone!" Leng Ye hastily dropped the long sword and felt it in his hand before he felt relieved and said in his heart: "With so many wives accompanying me, I can't become persevering."


Leng Ye heard the sound of metal falling to the ground again, looked up, and found that the murderer was looking at him in surprise, and the iron rod silver gun in his hand was already lying on the ground.Leng Ye naturally knew that the murderer had dropped the weapon on purpose, so he had a little more affection for him at the moment.

"Shaoxia Leng is really powerful, he just broke my tornado wind with a light move, I admire you! Admire!" said the murderer.

"Haha! What are you talking about! Your Excellency's spear style is really good. If I hadn't been lucky, I would have died on the spot." Leng Ye laughed.

"Young Xia Leng, can you tell me the name of the trick you used just now?" the murderer asked suddenly.

"One move in Dugu Nine Swords is the Spear Breaking Style." Leng Ye felt that there was no need to hide the murderer, so he replied without hesitation.

"Ah!!" The murderer was startled, looked at Leng Ye with reverence, and said, "I have never lost this move against more than a dozen immortals of the same level. No wonder I will lose. It turns out Leng Shaoxia has already learned the Dugu Nine Swords, I admire him very much!" said the murderer.

"Haha! It turned out that I was just lucky enough to beat Your Excellency in sword moves, luck! What luck!" Leng Ye paused, and then said: "Dare to ask Your Excellency, why are there no people and monsters around outside the church at this moment?"

"Young Xia Leng, I have been here for thousands of years. Just 300 years ago, when foreigners invaded, there was chaos here. People died and escaped. After that, no one haunted the church anymore. Young Xia Leng It is the No.300 that I have seen in the past 1 years, and it is a first-level master in the world today, it is really an honor." The murderer said.

"I was the first to come here? So people from the Vatican didn't participate in this game, and this place is just a hidden map in the game? Then sister Maya must have given me the green light?" At that moment, Leng Ye was grateful to Maya.

This point is figured out, however, Leng Ye still feels that there are many doubts about the murderer's words.After pondering for a moment, Leng Ye asked again: "So all the people are living in the church? How many people are there in total? Is General Xiaomi in there now?"

"Young Xia Leng, there are exactly 330 men, women and children inside. They are all inside. Jinyi Food has never come out. I heard that General Xiaomi has always been inside. I can only kill and torture too much. Keeping the gate, that's all you need to know about the situation inside." The murderer said.

(End of this chapter)

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