Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1352 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1352 SSS-level task of the Vatican (5)
Leng Ye followed the black-clothed smuggler along the cobblestone path on the right.Suddenly, he was thoughtful: "The richer he is, the more he loves money. I don't know if this sentence is correct?" Immediately, he took out one hundred thousand gold coins from the ring of space, and said to the smuggler in black: "This Brother, meeting is fate, this is a little wish from me, please accept it."

When the smuggler in black saw the gold coin, his eyes lit up immediately, and he pretended to decline, while trembling his hands, he took it with a smile, stuffed it in his pocket with satisfaction, and praised repeatedly: "Shaoxia Leng is so bold, you brother I'm done." He held Leng Ye's hands tightly at that moment.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the black-clothed smugglers, Leng Ye felt a little uncomfortable, and thought: "People make money and birds die for food. I didn't expect you, a little fairy, to do this. The money is right. It’s nothing to me, but I won’t throw it on you for nothing.” At that moment, Leng Ye laughed and said: “Since we are all brothers, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can directly contact me.”

"Thank you, brother, for taking care of me!" the black-clothed smuggler laughed hastily.

In this way, Leng Ye became the big brother of the black-clothed smuggler, and the black-clothed smuggler willingly recognized Leng Ye as his big brother.As a result, the black-clothed smuggler told Leng Ye everything he knew about the church, especially Captain Mok's personality and preferences, which made Leng Ye very useful.

After walking along the winding cobblestone path for about 5 minutes, Leng Ye followed his "brother" the black-clothed smuggler into a compound called "Contest Field".The courtyard is very spacious, with two weapon racks, on which are placed all kinds of Chinese and foreign weapons, as well as barbells, wooden stakes, sandbags, etc., which seems to be a venue for both martial arts training and competition.

In the middle of the arena, there is a guy with white skin, yellow hair, blue eyes, eagle nose, tall and thin, holding a western long sword, stabbing randomly at the straw man in front of him.

Seeing this foreigner, Leng Ye just realized that the four janitor pastors he met along the way were all yellow-skinned and black-eyed. He was furious at the moment, and immediately put aside the advice of the black-clothed smuggler "brother" After that, he drew out his long sword and stabbed at the foreigner with a stray step.

Before the foreigner could find out, the long sword in Leng Ye's hand had already pierced the foreigner's back little by little.Following the "swish..." five swords went down, five fist-sized openings appeared on the back of the foreigner.Immediately afterwards, Leng Ye heard the system beep.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for killing the middle-level immortal leader Mo Ke, the magic power will be increased by [-].

Upon hearing this reminder, Leng Ye was shocked, and then he was overjoyed and laughed out loud.The laughter stopped abruptly, and Leng Ye found that Captain Moke was looking at him solemnly with the western long sword in his hand. At the moment, the long sword in his hand was about to stab again, but he saw the western long sword in Captain Moke's hand. In front of him, he only defends but does not attack, as if begging for mercy.

Captain Mork is a higher existence than a murderer, and it is not uncommon for him to have two or more lives.Seeing him begging for mercy, Leng Ye withdrew his long sword. After all, this was in the opponent's territory and he needed his help.

(End of this chapter)

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