Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1354 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1354 SSS-level task of the Vatican (7)
"Young Xia Leng, Holy Master, the old man has passed away." Mo Ke sighed wistfully.

"Damn! Isn't this tricking me?" The defense of the city was imminent, and Leng Ye didn't want to delay here any longer. Thinking of the warning from the black-clothed smuggler, he quickly took out a few bottles of the high-quality sword demon mansion from the ring of space. The good wine was handed over to Mork.

"Good wine! It really is good wine!" Captain Moke opened a bottle and drank it all in one gulp.Pursing his lips, he said, "Young Xia Leng, I'll take you to see Squadron Captain Dake right away."

"I don't know when I can see General Xiaomi." Leng Ye felt a little depressed, and immediately made a gesture of invitation.Afterwards, he walked out of the arena while chatting with Captain Mork...

Squadron Captain Dak, like Captain Mok, is also a full-fledged fighter. Compared with Captain Mok, he looks stronger and more handsome, and the western long sword in his hand is also longer.Even so, he couldn't escape the bad luck of being killed by Leng Ye in an instant. He died three times in a row, which also made Leng Ye increase his demon nature by nine points one after another.

Like Squad Leader Mok, Squadron Leader Dake is also a person who knows heroes and values ​​heroes. He didn't show any displeasure because of losing to Leng Ye one after another. Instead, he praised Leng Ye's strength.Of course, like Captain Mo Ke, he did not take the initiative to bring Leng Ye to see General Xiaomi.

However, when Leng Ye had no choice but to summon Snow White and ordered him to dance a dance for Squadron Dak to satisfy his dance addiction, Squadron Dak happily took Leng Ye with her. I went to see Captain Locke...

Time flies, and a day passes in the blink of an eye.Leng Ye, under the leadership of "leaders" at all levels in the Vatican Church, has been marching into the depths of the church. Almost everywhere he meets militants, killing them to prove his strength is secondary. The important thing is to be sure. We must find ways to satisfy their different hobbies, otherwise it will be difficult to continue.Facing the different requirements of different immortals, Leng Ye wanted to kill them many times in order to make it quicker, but his rationality still made him hold back.

So after defeating leaders at all levels, Leng Ye's demonic nature has also continued to increase.He was surprised to find that every time the "leader" he faced was higher, he could kill one more time; every time he killed, he could also get a little more magic.From Mo Ke, the team leader who can be killed twice, each time adding [-] magic points to Leng Ye, until Leng Ye finally met the second lieutenant Luke, who can be killed [-] times, each time adding [-] magic points to Leng Ye , while Leng Ye is constantly satisfying the "leaders" at all levels in depression, he is also constantly enjoying the happiness brought by his magical ascension.It is also this kind of "happiness" that makes Leng Ye resist the dignity of throwing away money and laughing, and continues to go deeper.

As he went deeper into the church, Leng Ye also found that the "leaders" he encountered became more and more difficult to kill.The first few were instant kills with one sword, but later on it would take ten, twenty or even hundreds of swords.Especially in the fight with Second Lieutenant Luke, although Leng Ye was lucky enough to kill him [-] times, each time was shocking, and he even died once in the seventh round of the battle.To Leng Ye's dismay, even though He Shibi revived him, he was still deducted [-] magic points because of this "death".

(End of this chapter)

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