Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1357 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1357 SSS-level task of the Vatican (10)
After Lieutenant Doc was resurrected, his face was towards Leng Ye.As soon as Leng Ye saw this scene, he wanted to teleport to the back of Lieutenant Doc, but unexpectedly, two green lights came out from Lieutenant Doc's eyes, and hit him before Leng Ye's thoughts. Then, Leng Ye Ye felt dizzy in front of his eyes.

Leng Ye saw the dizzying scene in front of him, and even Lieutenant Doc on the opposite side slowly spun along with the ground.

"The curse of confusion? You must preemptively kill him, or I will die." Although Leng Ye's eyes were blurred and his eyes were dizzy, he did not lose his sanity. As soon as the idea came out, he wanted to teleport behind Lieutenant Doc , but he heard the system beep.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye is in a special state and cannot teleport.

This was already the second reminder that Leng Ye could not teleport recently, and he was extremely depressed.Then, he used the Lost Step again.Fortunately, this footwork can be used.

However, what made Leng Ye depressed was that he obviously wanted to lose in the direction of Lieutenant Doc, but in the end he couldn't help himself and quickly jumped ten meters to the right.

However, there are no more than three situations in any sparring: moving forward rapidly, attacking directly face-to-face, so as to give the opponent a fatal blow by taking advantage of the speed; Attack; retreat in the face of the enemy's direct attack, so that you can avoid the enemy's fatal blow, and secondly, you can observe the flaws in the process of the enemy's attack, so as to counterattack.

It is rare to suddenly jump more than ten meters to the right in a direction at right angles to the enemy like Leng Ye.Even if it is stealing, unless the gate is on the right, it will only run backwards instead of running out to one side.

So, seeing Leng Ye deflecting more than ten meters to the right in the blink of an eye, Lieutenant Doke was stunned, staring blankly at Leng Ye, not knowing what the hell Leng Ye was up to.He only knew that the spell of confusion he used could make the enemy dizzy and slow down his speed, and this was the first time he had seen someone like Leng Ye who became more dizzy and "excited".Not to mention that he didn't know that Leng Ye would go astray, even if he knew, it would be difficult to explain the reason behind it.

"You bastard! Xiao Mian, you are looking for death." Leng Ye cursed secretly, holding a long sword, staggered, crooked, and stumbled towards Lieutenant Doc who was still in a daze.

Just as the cold night was halfway through, Lieutenant Doc woke up.I saw him holding a Western sword and making an astonishing move~~ Holding the sword in his right hand, he quickly chopped off his left index finger.The sword was ruthless, and cut off the index finger directly, and blood gushed out.In the eyes of outsiders, compared with Leng Ye, Lieutenant Doc seemed more bewitched.

Then, I saw Lieutenant Doc randomly scratching the blade of the western sword with his index finger that was half broken and bleeding profusely. He didn't know what was written, but it was a bit like a magic symbol.After a while, the blood seeped into the western sword, and slowly, the whole sword seemed to be corroded by blood.In the end, the entire body of the sword turned into a long burning flame, emitting intense light and heat.

(End of this chapter)

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