Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1359 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1359 SSS-level task of the Vatican (12)
The moment Leng Ye stabbed Lieutenant Doc with the long sword, the movement of the long sword changed dramatically.It suddenly changed its direction and stabbed straight at Leng Ye's body.Leng Ye guessed that this was the effect of the spell of confusion, and was eager to stop, but was surprised to find that the long sword was out of control, so he could only watch helplessly as he held the long sword in his hand and stabbed himself in the opposite direction...

When it was dark, Leng Ye didn't know anything.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by Lieutenant Doc, and his magic power was reduced by [-] points.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by Lieutenant Doc, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

As soon as he was resurrected, Leng Ye felt pain in front of him, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was no longer dizzy, and he jumped 20 meters away with a teleportation.Looking back, he was surprised to find that with Lieutenant Doc's graceful dancing posture, countless groups of red flames shot out from the "Fire Sword" and danced around Lieutenant Doc, which complemented Lieutenant Doc's dancing posture.There were more and more flames, and suddenly expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they came to Leng Ye's feet.

Leng Ye teleported again, jumping directly to the entrance of the competition arena, and retreated three feet quickly.As soon as his heels were firmly established, hundreds of millions of small fires filled the entire arena.Immediately, a sea of ​​fire appeared above and below the entire arena.

"Damn! Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have been burned. Looking at the situation, it is absolutely possible to be burned back to level zero." Leng Ye felt lingering fear, and broke out in a cold sweat.

I don't know whether the attack range of Lieutenant Doc's "Dance of Flames" is only as large as the arena, or the arena limits the attack range of "Dance of Flames". In short, the fire did not spread further.Leng Ye was also happy, waiting for the flame to go out.

Suddenly, Leng Ye thought that the demonic nature he had just increased had been subtracted again, and he was very depressed, and then he was furious, thinking: "After the flame is extinguished, I will definitely kill you 21 times to save you face." Nothing."

Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help but startled: "Why 21 times? The previous ones also have a limit on the number of times. Could it be that they only need to kill one more time to kill them?" He thought again: "Anyway, let Lieutenant Doc It is absolutely impossible to kill me 22 times. The future is uncertain, so let me kill him first, even if the SSS mission fails, I can increase my magic nature by more than [-], and I won’t suffer any disadvantages!”

Leng Ye saw that the flames on the competition field were getting denser and more intense, he laughed, pulled out his lazy sword, and with a cool wave, he summoned the fire unicorn and fire phoenix.

As soon as Huo Qilin and Huo Fenghuang came out, they saw the sea of ​​flames flying in front of them, as if they saw the same kind in estrus, they each rushed into it in the fastest way.The fire unicorn cheered and jumped on the ground, while the fire phoenix leaped joyfully in mid-air, up and down, drawing a beautiful picture.

"Go and kill the perpetrator!" Leng Ye ordered.However, both Huo Qilin and Huo Fenghuang seem to be deliberately opposing Leng Ye, ignoring his words, and still going their own way, flying around, rolling around.

(End of this chapter)

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