Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1361 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1361 SSS-level task of the Vatican (14)
Leng Ye laughed, and asked again: "Peng'er, will those summoned creatures on Lazy Sword never come back?"

After a while, Peng'er said in a sad tone: "Boss, my condolences will change!"

Leng Ye felt a pain in his heart, and then he heard Peng'er say: "Boss, they may come back, but it all depends on their fate with you, Boss." Then he said: "Boss, don't bother me if you have nothing to do! I will continue to practice. Already!"

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Leng Ye laughed, but she was muttering in her heart: "What the hell is this little girl Peng'er doing? What kind of kung fu is she practicing?"

At this moment, Leng Ye saw that the flames in the arena were rapidly gathering towards the fire phoenix and fire unicorn, and they disappeared as soon as they got close to the two pets, obviously they were absorbed.In a short while, the flames on Nuo Da's arena were completely absorbed.

In the middle of the arena, Lieutenant Doc was still dancing with his faded Western sword. The difference was that he was no longer a woman at this moment.

"Give it to me, kill him!" Leng Ye ordered Huo Fenghuang and Huo Qilin together.Then, I saw the two pets spew out long pillars of fire from the ground and the air respectively, setting Lieutenant Doc on fire in the blink of an eye...

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for killing Lieutenant Doke, the god disciple, and the magic power has increased by [-].

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for killing Lieutenant Doke, the god disciple, and the magic power has increased by [-].


"The fire phoenix and the fire unicorn are pets at the level of super beasts, and they are both the supreme fire element. It's too childish to kill a little kid who can only play with fire." Leng Ye enjoyed the pleasure of magical soaring, revealing A smug smile.

Just after Er Chong killed Lieutenant Doc 21 times, counting the time before Leng Ye, Lieutenant Doc died exactly [-] times.Except that Leng Ye involuntarily killed himself once with the curse of confusion on his body, he was unscathed.At this juncture, Leng Ye hurriedly gave orders to Huo Fenghuang and Huo Qilin, preventing them from continuing to attack.

"If you kill him again, I'm afraid Lieutenant Doc will completely disappear from this world. After he's dead, I'm afraid it won't be that easy for me to meet General Xiaomi. I don't believe that Lieutenant Doc will be a stickler. He wants to lose face." False, but you have to die." Leng Ye murmured in his heart, watching Lieutenant Doke squatting on the ground, looking up at Lieutenant Huo Fenghuang with dull eyes, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Cough~cough! How can you treat Lieutenant Doc like this!" Leng Ye emptily reprimanded the second favorite, pulling Lieutenant Doc back from panic.

"Young Xia Leng, please, please don't kill me!" Lieutenant Doc's face was pale with fright, without a trace of blood. When he heard Leng Ye's words, he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Leng Ye didn't expect Lieutenant Doc to be soft-boned besides trying to save face, which saved him a lot of trouble.Immediately, he came to Lieutenant Doc and said, "Lieutenant Doc, please forgive me. I have no way to discipline you. They ran out and accidentally offended you. I hope you will forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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