Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1363 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1363 SSS-level task of the Vatican (16)
Seeing that Lieutenant Doc hesitated, Leng Ye ordered Huo Fenghuang and Huo Qilin to circle around them with his mind.Seeing this, Lieutenant Doke immediately smiled wryly and said: "Thanks to Shaoxia Leng for looking up to me, I'll teach it here, I'll teach it here!"

Following a burst of white light, the system beeped.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for learning the "Curse of Confusion", quotient +[-].

"Commercial? What is it?" Leng Ye was startled again...

Leng Ye couldn't figure it out for a while, and didn't think about it any more, and opened the attribute directly.When he saw the spell of confusion that he had just learned, he couldn't help praising again and again: "A cow! A real cow!!!" Although this skill was learned from Lieutenant Doc, it is better than the blue.Even though it is not as perverted as the Soul-Leaving Curse and the Revival Curse, it still has a terrifying lethality, which can ensure that in a duel of equal strength, the side that is cursed will undoubtedly lose.

"Young man Leng, I, Lieutenant Doc, respect heroes all my life. If you are not in a hurry, go to the house and have a glass of wine to express my heart." Lieutenant Doc laughed.

Leng Ye saw that Lieutenant Doke was hiding a knife in his smile, and thought: "He obviously regards me as a plague god. But, for the sake of teaching me skills, let him spare his life!" Laughing, said: " I'm a little embarrassed to have disturbed my brother for so long. Let's find Captain Mook right now!"

"Good! Good!" Lieutenant Doc couldn't help but look relaxed.Hastily stepped forward to lead the way, and led Leng Ye out of the arena...

According to Lieutenant Doc, in addition to being warlike, Captain Mook also likes all kinds of rare treasures and flattery.Leng Ye rummaged through the Ring of Space for a long time, and finally found an artifact Japanese saber that was valuable but of little use value to his own people, as a gift to "bribe" Captain Muke.

Walking to the end of the corridor, the door opened again with a "squeak".This time, besides the two doormen dressed as priests, there was also a burly man with an unshaven face in front of Leng Ye.This big man is still dressed as a Westerner, and when he sees Leng Ye, he immediately greets him with a smile.

"Who is this person?" As soon as Leng Ye's Divine Appreciation Technique came out, he saw the other party's attributes.What flattered Leng Ye was that the burly man in front of him was none other than the Captain Muke he wanted to meet.

"You are young hero Leng, right?" the burly man said in fluent Chinese.

"I am! Seeing that you are tall and strong, with extraordinary skills, dignified appearance, and personable demeanor, you must be the one who is loved by everyone in the legend, who fascinates thousands of young girls, overwhelms countless young women, and even old ladies. Captain Mook, whom you love so much, right?" Leng Ye blurted out, and finished the praise learned from Lieutenant Doc in one breath.

"Haha! Young Hero Leng has won the award. You must have come to see General Xiaomi, right?" Captain Mu Ke obviously enjoyed Leng Ye's praise very much.To Leng Ye's surprise, Captain Mu Ke actually mentioned Leng Ye's purpose straight to the point.

"Captain Muke really is really clever, clever calculation. My admiration for you is like a torrent of rivers, endless. This is my heart for the captain, please accept it." Leng Ye handed the Japanese saber In the hands of Captain Mook.At first, he was worried that this knife would never return like a meat bun beating a dog, but at this moment, he had already seen seven points of hope.That's because Captain Muke directly mentioned General Xiaomi instead of his superior.

(End of this chapter)

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