Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1377 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1377 SSS-level missions in the United States (5) ([-])
"Yeah!" Leng Ye nodded, and was about to take out the scroll to return to the city, when someone behind him suddenly called out: "Guangzhu, what a coincidence!" He looked back, overjoyed, and thought: "Could this be God's will?" ?”

The two people who are walking towards Leng Ye at this moment are none other than the two demons of Yin and Yang that Leng Ye ran into on the top of Wanshou Mountain~Zi Xuanbing and Ming Mo.Although the reason why these two people did such careless things on the Qilin quilt was all due to their skills, however, their first impression in Leng Ye's eyes is still difficult to change.So, seeing the two of them, Leng Ye felt that the important task in front of him belonged to them.

"Guild Master, we came here this time to do a mission, and we met the Guild Master and his wife right after we finished it, so lucky!" Zi Xuanbing said.

"The harvest must not be small!" Leng Ye laughed.

"That's right! In the past, our Yin-Yang Dafa could only defend, but not attack. After completing this task, our Yin-Yang Dafa has a [-] (percentage) chance of double attacking back..." Ming Mo said happily, obviously very proud.

"That's really congratulations brother and younger siblings." Leng Ye complimented, thought for a while, and then said: "The Sword Demon Empire will be established soon, and you have made such a breakthrough in skills, it seems that you must give you a high point in the future To be able to meet here once again shows that we are destined. You might as well tell me what kind of job you want to take on in the future, and I will definitely consider it seriously."

The Yin and Yang demons were overjoyed to receive such high regard from Leng Ye. After a while, they shouted in unison: "Master, we want to be imperial guards!"

Leng Ye was stunned, and smiled: "Haha! You two are just joking! The empire is just the product of the gang's development to the top, but it is still a gang after all. Even if the Sword Demon Empire is established, I will still be your gang leader, and I will not be the leader of your gang. The emperor regards himself as himself. Therefore, there are no imperial guards."

Zixuanbing and Mingmo looked at each other with ugly expressions, apparently disappointed by being rejected by Leng Ye.

At this time, Shuang'er suddenly said: "Husband, you are a low-key person, and we all admire you. After the establishment of the empire, you are still the leader of the sword demon palace, but I think that even if there is no mention of the imperial guards, you should find some people to protect you." You. After all, when the time comes, you will be the boss of the Sword Demon Empire. Firstly, it will not be easy to make a move. Secondly, if you die in battle, it will definitely affect morale. Since the couple of Yin and Yang are sincere and sincere, they have almost the highest level in Lingyun. defense, I think you might as well satisfy their wishes, promise them!"

"For a long time, the leader has always been a role model that our husband and wife have admired. It is a lifetime honor for both of us to follow the leader. Therefore, we implore the leader to agree to our request, and we will not let you down." Zi Xuan Bing said.There was great sincerity in the voice.

"Since this is the case, then I will be disrespectful. But everyone is brothers and sisters, don't say that they are my bodyguards, let alone some imperial bodyguards, otherwise I will not admit it." Leng Ye said.

"Follow the leader's order!" The two demons of Yin and Yang immediately became happy.

(End of this chapter)

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