Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 138: Into the Sumeru

Chapter 138: The Invincibility (Part 2) ([-])
The six fairies were found, and so far, all the six girls got ribbons.Only the Seventh Fairy is left, but once the Seventh Fairy is found, will Leng Ye also get a streamer and dance like the Sixth Girl?Although the six girls only dressed in three o'clock, it didn't affect their dancing posture.But if Leng Ye was to dance like the other six girls, and if the word spread so that no one would laugh out loud, he would be too ashamed.

Is it a blessing or a curse, a disaster that cannot be avoided, Leng Ye finally decided to go to the Seven Fairies.Now he has a plan in mind.

Leng Ye took the six girls and walked towards the mouth of the distribution map of the Big Dipper. Perhaps because he still had a little worry in his heart, he slowed down, and for the first time, he and the six girls admired the not-so-beautiful wild flowers on the roadside weed.

The road always has an end. They also found a small pavilion when the sun was setting, and a young girl was playing the piano there. The sound of the piano was very bleak and cold.That's right, from the three words on her clothes, it can be confirmed that she is the Seventh Fairy.

"Husband, go and make out with your little lover!" Shuang'er hurriedly urged, because in the morning, Leng Ye agreed to go shopping with her, but unexpectedly, due to Leng Ye's procrastination, they didn't find Seven Fairies until evening. .

Leng Ye walked towards Seventh Fairy, and opened his mouth. From Sixth Girl's point of view, he was talking to Seventh Fairy. In fact, Leng Ye didn't say a word.Because Leng Ye knows that once his task is completed, the Seventh Fairy will definitely reward him with something. As for the reward, he is not sure yet, but he cannot rule out streamers. Handle, hold each other.

Leng Ye looked around and found a lawn with grass he was familiar with. It was very comfortable to lie on. His bad idea immediately came and he walked towards the lawn.

Seeing Leng Ye's strange behavior, the six women thought that he could not hand in the task, so they followed and sat on the lawn with Leng Ye.

"Husband, have you handed in the task?" Shuang'er asked quickly.

"Look, isn't that still there?" Leng Ye said, pointing to the Seventh Fairy who was still playing the piano there, the meaning was obvious, since the Seventh Fairy hadn't left, the mission would not end naturally.

"I saw you talking to Seven Fairies just now, what did you say?" Shuang'er asked.

"Have you seen it all?... I didn't want to say it at first, but..." Leng Ye said, showing a look of embarrassment.

"But what, tell me quickly!" the six girls asked in unison.

"The Seventh Fairy said that this is a sealed place, and you must exchange what you promise to others. She also said that the six of you seem to have lost a bet and owe me a bet. I didn't want it at first, but..." Leng Ye With a look of embarrassment on his face.

The six girls were half-believed, but seeing Leng Ye's face, they thought it was probably true, so they said to Leng Ye in unison: "We are willing to bet and admit defeat!"

"Mission needs, mission needs! Hehe!" Leng Ye showed his true colors.

"Did Seven Fairies say something else?" Shuang'er asked.

(End of this chapter)

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