Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1400 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1400 SSS-level missions in the United States (28) ([-])
"I'm not going to die, the Blue Light Lizard King is going to die, but what does it look like, and where is it?" Leng Ye looked into the cave again, but still didn't find a ghostly figure.

"Its range is far enough. It seems that unless I go up to find it, I can never expect it to come out on its own initiative." Leng Ye thought so, and suddenly, with an idea, he thought again: "Light travels along a straight line. Yes, at least that's the case with the blue light I saw just now. The blue light came from the other end of the cave, it seems that the blue light lizard king should be coming from the other end of the cave."

Leng Ye looked to the other end of the cave again, and suddenly saw that hateful and daunting blue light coming again, looking in that direction, it happened to be facing JOKER in the elevator.At that moment, Leng Ye moved towards Joker's front rung, unexpectedly, Qingguang's speed was too fast, Joker was hit by the blue light before his body arrived.

Same as last time, JOKER was revived again.

Leng Ye blamed herself deeply for not being able to "repay" Joker, and stood in front of Joker.Suddenly, his consciousness told himself that the blue light he saw just now did not come from the depths of the cave, but from the top of the cave not far away, which shocked him but couldn't figure it out. Yes, the light turned out to be shooting over.

What made Leng Ye feel even more strange was that the blue light was emitted vertically from the top first, turned sharply when it reached about 1.3 meters from the ground, and then shot towards this side rapidly along the horizontal direction.

"Could it be that there is a reflecting mirror in that place?" This thought immediately popped up in Leng Ye's mind.At that moment, he asked JOKER and other women, "Do you have mirrors?"

"Yes!" The girls replied in unison, and the next moment, they all had a mirror in their hands.

Leng Ye took out a long sword, threw the mirror into the air, and then used a broken sword to aim at the falling mirror.bang bang bang!The four mirrors have been shattered, leaving only the side of the Queen of Spades intact.

The girls were startled, and then they turned their gazes to Leng Ye, but they didn't mean to blame him at all.

Leng Ye picked up the mirror of the Q of Spades that had fallen on the ground, and said to the Q of Spades, "Come with me." Then he picked up the Q of Spades, lost his footsteps, and quickly went to the cave. fly among them.

Arriving at the place where the blue light was shining, Leng Ye looked up and found a small hole the size of a finger.There seemed to be a small burning ball inside, surrounded by blue flames, extremely vigorous.He could see that the ball was burning more and more vigorously, and he was sure that it was the blue light emitted by this small ball that killed him instantly.And the reason why the ball is not shining now is probably because it is accumulating energy, and of course it can also be understood as it is within the cooldown time of the skill.

"You use the mirror to block it!" Leng Ye didn't think too much, and returned the mirror directly to Spade Q, then touched her hand, adjusted the position, and ensured that the light could return to the same way after the light fell.

(End of this chapter)

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