Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1402 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1402 SSS-Level Mission: The United States (1) ([-])
"How could this be? The burning ball is blue, so the light it emits should also be blue." Leng Ye could only think like this, he looked up subconsciously, and found that the small ball was placed in the , it's just that it may be due to the fact that it has just been launched, and the size and intensity of burning are not as good as before.

At this moment, Leng Ye heard Q of Spades sighing: "It's really amazing, it even shot through my magic mirror."

Leng Ye took a look, and sure enough, there was a small hole in the mirror of Q of Spades, which was about the same size as the burning ball above the cave, only a little bigger.

"What? You said your mirror is a magic weapon?" Leng Ye was suddenly surprised and asked.

"That's right! Although it's not a precious thing, if you take a picture of it every day, it will be one ten thousandth prettier..." Q of Spades actually looked in the mirror as he spoke.

Leng Ye doesn't care about the function of the mirror, he only cares about whether the mirror is a magic weapon.After getting an affirmative answer from the girl, he let out a long sigh.That's because, in the game, weapons above the Immortal Artifact level generally have the characteristic of being indestructible. In fact, this indestructibility is not absolute.When the energy exceeds a certain level, even artifacts and super artifacts will be damaged, but the probability of encountering this kind of energy is not much greater than the probability of being struck by lightning twice in a lifetime.Moreover, even if the divine artifact is damaged, it is only the destruction of attributes, and it is rare to see such a severe damage to the appearance.

Now that the magic mirror is damaged, we can see the power of the light just now.At that moment, Leng Ye was shocked and understood why he died so easily.

"If the blue light is so powerful, it's not surprising that it can damage the mirror, but why does this light turn blue when it enters the elevator?" Leng Ye desperately recalled the previous few lights, and confirmed that they flew horizontally. But it was always blue. As for the vertical launch, Leng Ye only saw it once, and it was blurred due to the long distance and the dust in the cave.

Leng Ye can naturally go back to the elevator and observe again to determine whether the light is blue, so as to find out whether the key to the problem appears at the turning point of the light.However, Leng Ye no longer has such an opportunity, because he has already said that he only has two pieces of He's Bi, and there are at least two girls in front of him who are likely to have He's Bi, so he only needs to be resurrected again, he Lies will be exposed.

Just then, the Q of Spades spoke again.I just heard her say: "Brother Leng, did you see how I died just now? Even if my magic mirror can reflect that blue light, it didn't reflect it on me!" The girl pouted, with a look on her face Feeling wronged, her hands were still covering the two towering and alluring points, as if to seduce Leng Ye, but in fact, there was still pain there.

(End of this chapter)

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