Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1404 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1404 SSS-Level Mission: The United States (3) ([-])
"Brother Leng, how did you find this cobblestone? Doesn't it seem strange? And it's not pretty at all," said Q of Spades.

"Harvard's top students are nothing more than that! They can't even figure out the most basic geometry problems." Deep in his heart, Leng Ye slightly despised Q of Spades, and said with a smile: "Don't look at him as small and ugly, Maybe it was the one that hurt you before."

"Brother Leng, don't be joking. I would believe it if it could shine, but it's so plain and dull, how could it hurt me? Besides, it's so small that a whole pebble hit me. It won’t kill me either!” retorted the Q of Spades.

"It's really long hair but short-sighted, big chest and no brains. Is the neutron small enough, but a fist-sized piece of matter condensed by neutrons is enough to sink any ship. Is the feather light enough? If given to him One speed of light, it is enough to knock down an airplane. You can’t generalize everything. It seems that your admission letter was also obtained with money.” Leng Ye thought in his heart, but said on his mouth: “I am just a It's just a guess, as for the reason, I haven't found out yet."

"Blue light, blue flames, and green pebbles, there must be a great connection between them!" Leng Ye secretly confirmed this point, suddenly slapped his forehead, and said happily: "Yes!" "Brother Leng, what's there?" The Q of Spades looked at Leng Ye in surprise, but his eyes were full of anticipation.

"Yes, it must be like this!" Leng Ye laughed and said to himself, as if he didn't hear Q of Spades' question.

"Brother Leng!!!" Q of Spades stomped anxiously.

"Haha! Sister Spade, don't worry, I'll ask you a question first. Do you know the principle of the three primary colors?" Leng Ye asked.

"What's the third-level color and the fourth-level color? Brother Leng, you must be the first-level color for what you did to Fang Fang just now." Spades Q blurted out.

Leng Ye felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly explained, "What I'm talking about is the principle of the three primary colors of light. You, a top student at Harvard University, must know it!"

"Brother Leng, what is the principle of three primary colors? Does it have anything to do with my going to Harvard University? Does it have anything to do with my being killed?" Spade Q asked again.

Leng Ye was startled, and asked, "Then what department did you study at Harvard University? Where did you study in junior high school and high school?"

"Brother Leng, you seem to be checking your household registration! I don't want to tell you! I know why you ask, you mean I am ignorant, right? But I studied public relations etiquette, so how can I understand your science subjects? Things, you must know that I have full marks in every subject!" Said Q of Spades proudly.

"Well, you girl, I thought you didn't know anything! So you were pretending to be stupid. Now that you know this, you are not too ignorant." Leng Ye thought to himself, and simply made a temporary cameo as a make-up teacher, to Hei Tao Q said: "The three primary colors are also called the three primary colors. They are divided into two types, one is the three primary colors of color and light, and the other is the three primary colors of pigments. I won't tell you more about the details. Let's talk about the current situation. , it involves the three primary colors of shades. The three basic colors of the three primary colors of shades are red, green, and blue. By mixing these three colors in different proportions and in different ways, you can get most of the shades of different colors. For example, red and Mix green to make yellow, mix red and blue to make purple..."

(End of this chapter)

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