Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 141: Into the Sumeru

Chapter 141: Into the Sumeru (2) ([-])
Listening to the cries of the Seven Fairies, Shuang'er and the quintuplet sisters couldn't help singing the song "Seven Fairies":
beautiful seven fairies
i love you like this

I am honest and ordinary
I really don't deserve you

Amorous Seven Fairies
thank you for making me love you

I will work hard to cultivate the fields
Please please

I will love you well

I cherish you sincerely

The birds on the book are in pairs
Green water and green mountains together

I will love you well
love you forever
The old locust tree remembers my oath
love you to the end

The six girls even started to cry as they sang.

"Don't cry, let's see if there is any way to let the Seventh Fairy and Dong Yong meet." Leng Ye's words made the six girls stop crying.Even Seventh Fairy stared blankly at Leng Ye.

"Sister, do you want to see Dong Yong?" Shuang'er asked.

"Retarded!" Leng Ye said casually.

Shuang'er stared fiercely at Leng Ye, and even the quintuplet sisters sent Leng Ye a look of contempt.Although he was telling the truth, on this occasion, I am afraid not many people would like to hear it.

The Seventh Fairy slightly opened her red lips and said, "I don't dare to expect to see Daolang again in this life, but I hope that my six younger sisters can save my six older sisters."

It turned out that after the Seven Fairies were recalled to the Heavenly Court, she missed Dong Yong too much, and her six sisters let the Seven Fairies go down to the realm again without telling the Jade Emperor.When the Jade Emperor found out about this, he beat the seven of them to Mount Sumeru for punishment.And set a curse: Only those who are destined can rescue the seven fairies.

It turns out that the way to rescue the seven fairies is to rely on predestined people.And the requirements for this predestined person are not too high, as long as she wears underwear the same color as a certain fairy and is willing to donate a drop of blood to the fairy.

However, Mount Sumeru jumps out of the Three Realms, is not part of the Five Elements, and is even more inaccessible. Even if one or two people break in rashly, they may not meet the criteria of a predestined person, let alone rescued seven fairies at the same time.Therefore, in theory, the only way to enter this place is through the medium of colorful crystals.One can imagine how difficult it is.Without all the luck, trying to rescue the seven fairies is simply wishful thinking.

When Seventh Fairy spoke, she cast her eyes on Shuang'er and the quintuplet sisters, which made Leng Ye very dissatisfied. He is also a handsome guy anyway.

"We have rescued them." Shuang'er said with a smile.

The Seventh Fairy was startled when she heard the words, and looked at the Sixth Girl with unbelievable eyes.The Seventh Fairy also asked the Sixth Girl when she saw how the Sixth Girl was dressed.

"If you don't believe me, look at the streamer. It was left to us by the six fairies." The seven girls took out the streamer at the same time and showed it to the seven fairies.

The Seven Fairies burst into tears again, and murmured, "I have no regrets in this life!"

She has no regrets, Leng Ye and the seven of them will have regrets for life.Of course, Leng Ye didn't want to be here to accompany Seven Fairies to fall, so he said immediately: "Does Seven Fairies really have no regrets? Don't you want to see your Dong Lang again?"

The Seventh Fairy stopped crying, her eyes fixed on Leng Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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