Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1419 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1419 SSS-level mission of the United States (5) ([-])
Of course, Shuang'er also thought about having more than one woman in Leng Ye, who would definitely share his love for her.Shuang'er knew that what other women shared was only the time when Leng Ye loved her, and that level would not be weakened in the slightest. On the contrary, she could deeply understand that, except for the snow she had never seen before. Besides her son, her husband is the one who loves and loves her the most, which she can be sure of a hundred times.

Seeing how anxious Princess Naughty looked, Shuang'er said with a smile: "Sister Naughty, if you really like someone, you must accept everything about that person from the bottom of your heart, do your best to help him, love him, and trust him [-]%. , give him full freedom, instead of being suspicious all day long, thinking about this and that, making him worry..."

Although the naughty princess didn't understand, she nodded and said, "Sister Shuang'er, then let's go out and help Brother Leng Ye find Zhaxisi?"

"Hehe, good!" Shuang'er smiled and walked out of the restaurant with the naughty princess.

As soon as she left the restaurant, Shuang'er's pager rang, it was blue like water, and she connected directly.Immediately, Shui Rulan's irritable voice came from over there: "Sister Shuang'er, where is your husband? Did you enter another dimension again? Can't be contacted!" "Sister Lan, my husband left me and my naughty sister in the hotel. Someone went to find Tashisi. What happened?" Shuang'er asked.

"A girl named Lulu said that her husband lost a treasure in her hand, and she wanted to see her husband in person. She also said that she would only give her a quarter of an hour at most, and I was already doing my best to delay the time." Shui Rulan said.

"Sister Lan, I don't know when my husband will finish the task, why don't we talk to her! I'll go back right away." After hanging up the caller, Shuang'er said to the naughty princess: "You wait here for your elder brother Leng Ye , If he asks, he will say that I have a small matter in going back to the gang, so don't worry about me." You said a few words to the naughty princess, and then crushed the scroll of returning to the city.

In the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God's Palace, Shuang'er, Shui Rulan, the down-and-out son, Jin Dao and a very beautiful girl were seated.But Shuang'er quickly dismissed the poor young master and Jin Dao, leaving only the three girls in Nuo Da's conference hall.

Shuang'er looked at the girl carefully. She was also seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was very delicate and handsome.Shuang'er is not Leng Ye's full-time spiritualist, and she naturally doesn't think of what to do with this girl directly like Leng Ye. What she cares about is only the purpose of this girl's coming and what Leng Ye has lost.

"Sister Lulu, right? I don't know what you need from our leader?" Shuang'er asked first.

"I've already said it, and I won't repeat it if I don't want to. Tell Leng Ye to come out quickly, or I will leave, don't let him regret it!" Accident.

When Shuang'er heard this, she was unavoidably unhappy, but she concealed it very well, smiled, and said to the girl: "Sister Lulu, doesn't she know that anyone who wants to see my husband must get my consent? Without my Agree, even if the city lord of Nuwa City comes, he will never want to see my husband." Shuang'er said "my husband" with stern words and a stern face, looking like a tigress.

(End of this chapter)

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