Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1421 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1421 SSS-level mission of the United States (7) ([-])
They all know the origin of Ruyi Bian, they know that this item cannot be repeated, and they also know that this item is indeed owned by Leng Ye. They never thought that Leng Ye would lose it, and they never thought that it would fall into a person. In the hands of a girl, in the hands of an extremely beautiful girl.Through their observation of the girl, they learned that it was absolutely impossible for Leng Ye to give her a token of love. That was because they all knew that although the thing cut off from the Lemur King was only at the level of an artifact, But its value has already caught up with or even more than half of the super magic weapon. My husband loves it so much that it is impossible to give it away casually.At that moment, the two women suppressed their surprise in time, and asked in unison: "How did you get this thing?"

"This... this... I... I..." Lulu became nervous, but couldn't say anything, and the previous aura was gone.

"Sister Lulu, don't be afraid! As long as you are willing to tell the story of Ruyi, we guarantee that you can meet our husband." Shuang'er comforted.

" was given to me by my elder brother. He...he said he snatched it from a dog..." Lulu said hesitantly.

"How dare you compare my husband to a dog, let's see how I deal with you!" Shuang'er was furious when she heard this, and was about to explode, but was stopped by Shui Rulan first.

"Sister Lulu, can you be more specific? If we have offended your elder brother, please include more." Shui Rulan said.

"Three days ago, my brother took a dozen Xuanzong masters to attack Ruby, the largest gang in Japan. They wanted to steal Ruby's treasure, but they were besieged by tens of thousands of people. There are countless enemies, but they also suffered heavy losses. In the end, they killed Shenwu Liulang dozens of times, and this thing exploded from him. I heard that Brother Leng lost it, so I sent it here..." Lulu said sincerely , when she said the words "Brother Leng", she looked very excited and her face turned even redder.

"My husband is cautious, and his space ring has the property of not being able to steal it. It is impossible to lose Ruyi Change easily. It seems that this must be used by my husband to deceive Shenwu Rokuro's sight. Could it be that the crow team is using this thing Got it? How can my husband let the Japanese take advantage of it! It must be!" Shuang'er's mind was spinning rapidly, and she couldn't help but feel a little bit a little bit because Leng Ye didn't tell her about the loss of Ruyi Bian Dissatisfied, he said in his heart: "If he had told me in advance, I would definitely try to 'take' it back."

"Sister Lulu, this item is indeed owned by my husband. It should have been stolen by him when he was dealing with 10,000+ Japanese players. Now that you have found it, I will thank you for my husband first!" Shuang'er laughed.

"Sister Shuang'er, then..." Lulu said something before she couldn't continue.

(End of this chapter)

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