Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1423 SSS-level missions in the United States

Chapter 1423 SSS-level mission of the United States (1) ([-])
"Mrs. Chief, we...we...we have already..." Zi Xuanbing stammered, out of breath, as if he was dying, and said that he "passed away" afterwards.

"Have you already found out the whereabouts of Tashisi?" Shuang'er asked hastily.

"Yes... yes!" Zi Xuanbing said again.

"You are teleporting and waiting for me, I will go there right away." After hanging up the beeper, Shuang'er and Shui Rulan rushed towards the teleportation point together.

As soon as she saw Zi Xuanbing, Shuang'er noticed that he was panicked, and there was a Ming model glaring at him beside him. It seemed that the two had just fought a war, and they were still in the cold war period.

"Mrs. Master, you have to save me! I dedicated myself for the Master, for the Shrine, for the China Region, and for all mankind..." Zi Xuanbing said that she was becoming more and more great. Come, obviously asking for credit.

Shuang'er knew that the Yin-Yang couple must have called Leng Ye first when they were in the American area, but when they found out that they were not there, they went back to the city to find someone.From this, it was determined that Leng Ye was still doing tasks in a different dimension.So, she directly said to Zi Xuanbing: "Quickly tell me, what clues did you find? Where is Tashisi?"

"Ma'am, I don't know the exact whereabouts of Zhaxisi. But I met a slave friend who was sold here with Zhaxisi. She said that as long as she took this token, she would go to Owens Canyon." , maybe we can find Tashisi." Zi Xuanbing said.

"Are you so sure? Why don't you just bring the token over there? This is a great achievement!" Shuang'er laughed.

"Madam, you must be the master for me! In order to find out Zhaxisi's whereabouts, I did not hesitate to use sex and gold coins to lure the black prostitutes in the magic castle. I am not afraid of getting sick or drying up... Only then did I inquire about Zhaxisi's whereabouts. It was also made in there, but it was later bought by a valley owner in Owens Canyon..." Speaking of this, Zi Xuanbing received another heavy punch from Mingmo, and the whole story is clear at a glance.

Shuang'er smiled and took a wooden token with a canyon pattern from Zixuanbing's hand, and said seriously to the Yin and Yang two demons: "You two had better go to the Sword Demon Restaurant and open a private room, so as not to fight here The noise will affect the reputation of Sword Demon City." After finishing speaking, Shuang'er couldn't help laughing.

After a simple discussion, Shuang'er and Shui Rulan decided to take the risk in Owens Canyon for Leng Ye. They immediately recalled the sisters and set foot on the teleportation array leading to the border with super cannon fodder Yin and Yang.

When a group of people set foot on the teleportation array leading to the United States, Maya said to Shuang'er: "Are you looking for Young Hero Leng Ye Leng?"

Shuang'er was stunned, and thought: "It seems that this NPC is very intelligent. Knowing the relationship between my husband and me, he should be able to send us to any place in the United States at will. My husband is doing tasks in a different dimension. If we need to go there, he will definitely use the teleportation ring. Don’t go there, go directly to Owens Canyon!” Thinking of this, Shuang’er took out another [-] million and handed it to Maya, explaining her purpose of coming.

(End of this chapter)

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