Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1434 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1434 SSS-level missions in the United States (4) ([-])
"Brother Leng, the shells of these golden turtles are too thick, and our five-phase magic whip can't break through their defenses. We are really useless." JOKER and others stood in the place where Leng Ye killed the golden turtles. Empty, said depressed.

"Take care to protect yourselves, just don't let the golden turtle touch you." Leng Ye blurted out without looking back.He could see through the magic technique that the golden-armored tortoises here were all low-level divine beasts, with thick blood and high defense, so naturally they couldn't break their defense without a super-high attack.If he only had the Lazy Sword in his hand, without Spirit Snake Sword Justice and God of War's Wrath, it would not be so easy to break through the Golden Armored Turtle's defense.With the double strike skills of these two BTs, Leng Ye is like a god, one sword at a time.However, due to the excessive consumption of the patience of the Wrath of the God of War, he had to switch to the Liangfeng Laiyi in the Arctic swordsmanship, thus achieving the purpose of saving patience, although this is slightly slower than using the Wrath of the God of War directly , but the golden turtle fell to the ground as fast as flying.

In addition to its thick blood and high defense, the golden-armored tortoise also has several powerful water magics, which can easily kill people. Plum blossom Q was once accidentally killed by the golden-armoured tortoise.These water spells are not only the strengths of these golden turtles, but also their weaknesses. They are quite terrifying against people with low magic defense, but once they are against Leng Ye, who is holding a lazy sword with magic immunity attribute, it is dumb. up.This is also the reason why Leng Ye was able to feel confident and freely interspersed among the monsters to massacre wantonly.

However, in this cave, Leng Ye is not the main character, but the two summons, Fire Qilin and Fire Phoenix, are the most eye-catching.As the supreme beings of the fire element, the fire unicorn and fire phoenix have innate nemesis against the gold-armored tortoise, which belongs to gold in the five elements. Coupled with their equal-level advantages over the golden-armored tortoise, they are easy to kill, and they are often the same. Burn a slice.

However, the golden-armored tortoises in this cave seem to be endlessly killed. Every time one is killed, another one will be spawned.From morning to night, Leng Ye's level has increased by one level, but these golden turtles are still spawning. He guessed that something must be wrong somewhere. I looked around.

When Leng Ye's eyes fell on the wall of the cave, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. When he looked, he saw a few large golden characters engraved on the wall: Fight against piracy.These words are big and obvious. With Leng Ye's vigilance, it is impossible to come in without noticing for a day. At that moment, Leng Ye realized that the key to the problem might be in these four characters.

"Piracy has been banned repeatedly. I'm afraid even the Secretary-General of the United Nations can't do anything about it. What's the use of a few words carved on the wall of this dark cave? Moreover, this cave is full of mythical beasts. Those who can come in may not even have these four words. If you don't see clearly, you will die." Leng Ye sighed secretly.Except for pornographic movies, Leng Ye has always supported genuine copies. For good-looking books, he will not hesitate to spend more money to buy them, even in the most difficult times.In Leng Ye's words: Maybe my few dollars, a few cents, or even a few cents can't fundamentally improve the author's life, but I absolutely believe that everyone who likes to read this book will contribute something to the author. Dividing the money can give the author a material guarantee, so that the author can write works that we like more.

(End of this chapter)

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