Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1436 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1436 SSS-level missions in the United States (6) ([-])
Leng Ye was startled, and quickly opened his attributes.Dark Sword Art: A super holy skill, which has a [-] (percent) attack bonus for players who have learned spells and skills from other players.

The first time I saw this skill, Leng Ye thought of Pepper.Little Pepper has a study book and has learned three skills from Leng Ye.Leng Ye used to be a little worried, afraid that his skills would be exhausted by the opponent, but now, with the dark sword technique, he is no longer afraid, and he hopes that Xiaojiao will come to learn it.

Although she didn't get along with Xiaojiali for a long time, Leng Ye deeply felt that she was a very nice girl.Her liveliness, her cuteness, her simplicity, and even her every smile are deeply imprinted in Leng Ye's mind.What's more, it's the kind of intimacy that Little Pepper brought to Leng Ye, which he never had before.When he was in a daze, when he was lonely, or when he was homesick, Leng Ye couldn't help but think of this simple peasant girl. Sometimes he couldn't help feeling a kind of caring for this peasant girl, which is a kind of brother-sister relationship. The relationship between them is nothing more than that.

"I don't know how Sister Chili is doing now!" Leng Ye sighed.In order to avoid this feeling of loss, he quickly shifted his sight and opened the Ring of Space.

At a glance, Leng Ye saw a thread-like book with a slightly worn cover. There were five big black characters written on the book: Anti-Piracy Cheats.He tried to use the identification technique to see if the book was a magic weapon level treasure, but the system reminded him that the identification technique was invalid.However, upon hearing this reminder, he felt that the book was even more mysterious, so he quickly opened it to read.

This book is not thick, except for the title page, there are only three pages in it. However, to Leng Ye's surprise, there is not even a single word on those three pages.

"It seems that this is a book without words!" Leng Ye looked at the secret book in his hand and sighed.

All of a sudden, the golden light from the four big characters "Fight Piracy" on the wall shone on the book "Anti-Piracy Cheats". In the blink of an eye, the words appeared on the pages of the book.

Startled, Leng Ye quickly picked up the book and read it carefully, only to see that it said: "Combating piracy is everyone's responsibility." Eight large characters.There is also a line of small characters under the big characters, which is exactly: "At this moment you are in the battle against piracy, please use the most vicious words to scold the boss of the famous pirate website '[-]K', otherwise it will be difficult for you to get out of the battle for life."

"Damn! Cursing has never been my strong point, isn't this difficult for me? Although I don't know how to kill people, I don't object to beating people! Just let me pull the webmaster of the pirated website over and give him a good beating It's over, it's better than scolding people without pain or itch!" Although Leng Ye thought this way in his heart, he also knew very well that if he didn't scold the ancestors of the "[-]K" website owner all over today, it would be difficult to get out.

Time is very precious, and Leng Ye didn't think much about it, so he scolded:
"Boss [-]K, NTMD!"

System prompt: The scolding is not vicious enough, please continue.

(End of this chapter)

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