Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1441 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1441 SSS-Class Mission of the United States (4) ([-])
Leng Ye roughly understood Fang Q's words, but he didn't expect to let himself guess correctly, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.But he is also very clear that since the girl chose the latter in front of him and her hidden profession, it means that she is not just a vase, and he also respects the girl's choice, thinking: "Maybe this is God's will! Wait until the day the girl decides to return to vulgar life." I'll give her another explanation."

Suddenly, Leng Ye's beeper rang, it was like blue water, and it was connected directly.Immediately, Shui Rulan's voice came from the other side: "Husband, Zhaxisi's whereabouts have been found, come to XXX immediately."

Good things happen every year, especially today.Today's cold night can be said to be double happiness, triple happiness, and many happy events. After asking the girls to confirm that the task has been completed, I bid farewell to the five girls and went straight to the place where Shui Rulan was...

Leng Ye followed Shui Rulan and other girls to the Owens Canyon, while listening to them talk about their heroic deeds under the leadership of Shuang'er in the past few days, Leng Ye was taken aback for a while, and praised the girls for their cleverness.In fact, Leng Ye wondered whether it was the girls who absorbed his luck and found Zhaxisi before him.

The time is getting closer to dawn, but it seems that there is always only day and no night in Owens Canyon, and it is as bright as usual.

"Lan Lan, it's almost dawn. As you know, the sun and the moon cannot coexist in Lingyun. At this time, the moon should be thin, so why can't we see the moon? Even if there is only daylight here, why doesn't the sun even exist?" There are no traces." Leng Ye found that the environment here is elegant and the weather is clear, and he was very suspicious.

"Honey, I remembered what you said. It was daytime when we came here the afternoon before yesterday, and sister Zimei said why there is no sun!" Shui Xing immediately replied.

Leng Ye nodded.Normally, he wouldn't notice this change, but he is more sensitive now. As for why, he can't say clearly, maybe it's because Zhaxisi is under the sun and moon curse.

After walking for a while, Leng Ye saw Shuang'er and others sitting beside a stone table from a distance, talking and laughing, not even knowing that Leng Ye had returned.He secretly called Shuang'er, which attracted her attention and called her over directly.

"Husband, it will be dawn in another quarter of an hour, and it will be difficult to handle at that time. Take this quickly and give it to Zhaxisi, and finish the task quickly!" Shuang'er said while handing the embroidered shoes to the In the hands of the cold night.

Leng Ye didn't know what Shuang'er had done, but he felt at ease when Shuang'er did things, took the embroidered shoes, and walked straight to the black girl sitting at the round table.

"You are Miss Tashisi, right? I came to see you at the entrustment of your fiancé Mier. Do you know that for 300 years, Mier worried about you, didn't think about food and drink, and couldn't sleep all night. Now it's gone. Skinny, skinny, terminally ill, dying. Just now...just now..." Leng Ye said here with a long sigh, and handed the embroidered shoes into Mier's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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