Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1457 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1457 SSS-level mission of the United States (1) ([-])
System prompt: The player Diewu Nishang has selected the player Leng Ye as the attachment object of the auxiliary artifact particle emitter.

Startled, Leng Ye looked at Die Wu Nishang, and found that the girl was also looking at him shyly.Seeing this, the girl's face turned even redder, like a small apple, so charming that he couldn't help but want to take a bite.At this moment, Leng Ye didn't know what the system prompt meant, but when he heard the word "object", he was very happy, thinking: "It must be my good wife who saw me giving her such a good gift, and was very moved. Let's entrust it for life!"

"Good wife, let's go and kill the border guards!" Leng Ye was about to go out with Die Wu's neon dress on her waist, but the girl looked reluctant.I just heard her say: "Husband, the emerald on the particle launcher must have been burned by fire?"

Leng Ye didn't expect Diewu Nishang to call the pebble on the particle launcher an emerald. He was startled, and immediately remembered that this so-called emerald had been burned by Huo Qilin, Huo Fenghuang and Little Sun, and hurriedly asked: "What, is it burnt out?"

Diewu Nishang immediately shook his head and said: "No! The particle launcher has no attributes. I only asked this question after seeing the fire attribute. I don't know why the fire is so strong. With this fire attribute, I will You can use the power of the particle launcher [-] (percent sign)." The girl looked very proud.

Leng Ye didn't expect Diewu Nishang to be able to see even the added attributes, and felt more and more that she was not simple, but when she heard that she could only exert 50.00% power, she couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and said: "That fire If you add the properties of the spirit stone to the particle launcher, can you use its [-] (percent) power?"

"Yes... no!" Die Wu Nishang hesitated, hesitant to speak, which really confused Leng Ye.

"Good wife, is it right or not?" Leng Ye blushed even more when he saw Die Wu's neon clothes.

"Forget it!" Die Wu Nishang whispered.

At the moment, Leng Ye gave Zhu Longquan and Chang Baicao a chance to atone for their sins, and asked them to embed the fire stone into the particle emitter, and the two of them were happy.

Leng Ye embraced the Die Wu neon dress, while enjoying the elastic softness in front of the girl, while looking at Longquan Baicao who was busy improving the properties of the particle emitter, he was extremely happy.

"The two brothers are right, the good wife is really my lucky star. I was going to fight the border guards, and she appeared. With the super powerful good wife, plus the particle launcher that can kill people invisible, It's hard for the border guards to survive. Haha~~" The scene of the border guards retreating steadily and begging for mercy gradually appeared in Leng Ye's mind.

Die Wu's neon clothes are dishonest when Leng Ye embraces her, her body twists and turns, and she doesn't know if the girl is deliberately flirting with Leng Ye, which only makes his blood vessels expand and his heart itch.If it didn't take only 15 minutes to improve the particle emitter, and if Leng Ye was not eager to complete Zhaxisi's task, he would have brought the girl back to the Sword Demon Mansion...

(End of this chapter)

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