Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1464 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1464 SSS-level mission of the United States (2) ([-])
All of a sudden, Leng Ye realized that he had not fully grasped to defeat the border guards, so he had already laid out what might happen in the future. He was really worrying too much.

"Sister, is team teleportation allowed here?" Leng Ye asked with the last glimmer of hope.If you can form a team to teleport, you can probably play one more.

However, Maya's answer disappointed Leng Ye again. "It seems that the enemy is dead, let's outsmart it!" After bidding farewell to Maya, the next moment, Leng Ye and Die Wu Nishang appeared directly in Owens Canyon.

"Husband, how is it?" Shuang'er asked happily when she saw Leng Ye, then looked at Die Wu's neon dress, which is closer to Leng Ye, and asked with a smile: "I think this must be Sister Die Wu, right?" ?you……"

Before Leng Ye could speak, Die Wu Nishang took a step forward, took Shuang'er's hand, and said, "Sister Shuang'er, I am here to help the old... the lord, please don't get me wrong." There was already a blush on the face.Obviously, Die Wu Nishang didn't expect Shuang'er and the others to appear in this place, and vaguely regretted being so close to Leng Ye just now.

Leng Ye also couldn't understand how Die Wu Nishang, a girl who called her husband actively, was so shy at the moment, she shook her head, and sighed: "A woman's heart is a sea needle." Everyone made an "OK" gesture, and then called out Xiaobai, took the masked Tashisi, and headed directly to the border.

Just as Leng Ye and the others were about to leave the Owens Canyon, they saw a large group of gold-armored warriors walking towards them, and it was unclear how many people there were.I saw that they were all full of energy and full of fighting spirit.The leader is a knight holding a golden spear with a green tassel, wearing a golden helmet and a red cloak, and riding a four-horned Pegasus. He is majestic and majestic.

Seeing the devil soldiers with tall horses in front of him, Leng Ye was heartbroken, and muttered to himself: "Who are these people? What are they doing here? Are they coming here for me?" He was not happy at all. When someone sent him to his door looking for death, he immediately felt much better.

"Everyone listen to the order: These people must be the helpers invited by Mumurut, let them be killed!" The leader shouted loudly, and with a wave of his hand, he saw countless soldiers rushing up behind them, holding silver shiny guns. The weapon rushed towards Leng Ye.

"Who is Mu Murut? Could it be the valley owner here?" Leng Ye's heart trembled, and with a wave of his lazy sword, the little sun, fire phoenix and fire unicorn appeared in front of everyone, waiting for Leng Ye's order.Immediately afterwards, Leng Ye used the magic skill on the leading knight on the Pegasus.As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, Leng Ye saw the attributes of this person.

"William George? Young Lord of Los Angeles? Then he must be an NPC. It seems that he is the enemy of the owner of the valley. It seems that the owner of the valley can adopt Tashisi unconditionally. It seems that he has a good heart, and I will help him." Thinking like this Then, with a thought, Leng Ye directly ordered the Fire Phoenix and Fire Qilin to spray flames at the soldiers behind.

(End of this chapter)

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