Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1466 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1466 SSS-level mission of the United States (4) ([-])
As soon as Leng Ye came out of the valley, he rode on Xiaobai and carried Zhaxisi to the frontier teleportation point first, while the other women also recruited their mounts and followed far behind.

Although Leng Ye has been to many countries, but since he used scrolls to return to the city when he came back, he has not seen many border guards.A country like the United States that preaches democracy and equality between men and women should also adopt the setting of two NPCs, one male and one female, in the border transmission.In front of male and female NPCs, Leng Ye would naturally choose women without hesitation. Firstly, he considered that same-sex repels and opposite-sex attracts, and secondly, he considered that women are soft-hearted and love takes advantage of small things, so Leng Ye was ready. A lot of accessories, ready to bribe beautiful NPC beauties in the United States.

Maya's sexy and beautiful Leng Ye has already deeply understood and experienced it, so at this moment, he has some expectations for American NPC beauties.

Xiaobai is worthy of being a magic beast mount, with six pairs of wings and one wing, Leng Ye who sits on it feels like he can fly, fast and steady, enjoying the thrill of high-speed galloping.In less than a quarter of an hour, Leng Ye landed steadily in front of the border guards.

The two frontier guards in front of me are similar to Maya and Xuanfeng in China. Both of them are also wearing God of War suits, holding a huge golden ax in their hands, and they are very majestic.Standing on the left is a ferocious beard with exposed chest hair. If you change the nose, eyes and hair color, it will be comparable to Zhang Fei in ancient China.Standing on the right is a tall, fair-skinned, blond, and extremely beautiful sexy woman.This woman looks about 24 to [-], and her chest is very low, showing her beauty.

Maybe it was because of Maya, when Leng Ye saw this female border guard, she felt an inexplicable kindness in her heart.Driven by this feeling, his legs seemed to be disobedient, and he slowly moved towards the female border guard.It wasn't until Leng Ye stopped two meters in front of the female border guard, smelled the strong perfume smell from her body, and saw the eyebrows she threw at him, that Leng Ye realized that he had unconsciously He was deeply seduced by this woman.

As soon as the Divine Appraisal Technique came out, Leng Ye saw the name of the female border guard: Jenny.

"People are as beautiful as their names say." Leng Ye praised secretly.

"Excuse me, where is Young Master Leng going?" Jenny paused every word, speaking in immature Chinese.Her voice is mellow, extremely gentle.

"Ahh~~, Miss Jenny, you are so beautiful, you are really an eye-opener for people of my generation." Leng Ye faltered, unable to think of a good answer for a while, and had an idea, and patted the beautiful woman's ass instead.

"Thank you! May I ask where Young Xia Leng is going?" Jenny said again word by word.

Leng Ye was stunned, and thought: "This beauty is not only beautiful, but also very polite, but it's a pity that she is an NPC, who can only answer questions mechanically, how should I communicate with her?" Then he thought: "She is so beautiful, she is so beautiful, she is so good at flattering people. Words should have a considerable immunity, and it seems to be something affordable." At that moment, Leng Ye directly took out a large number of accessories above the fairy level from the ring of space and stuffed them into Jenny's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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