Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1478 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1478 SSS-level missions in the United States (3) ([-])
Leng Ye stood aside, looked at Zhaxisi, and found that she was looking affectionately at Mier, who was disheveled, dirty and dressed as a beggar, her eyes were already full of tears.Leng Ye could see that although Zhaxisi burst into tears, she couldn't hide the joy in her heart.This also made Leng Ye deeply feel the greatness of love in the world. In front of it, all bad things are all abandoned.

Looking at Zhaxisi, Leng Ye couldn't help showing the details of him and Xue'er...

"Mier..." Zhaxisi called out softly, with a very long voice.It is this simple name, three words, but it is full of her concern and longing for Mier, and the joy of seeing him.At this moment, apart from these three words, I am afraid there is no other word that is more suitable to express Zhaxisi's mood.

"Yes...I'm sorry, saw the wrong person." Mier never looked up, and his body was pressed against the wall, motionless.

Hearing Mier's answer, Leng Ye was greatly shocked, and thought: "Mier must think that it is inappropriate for him to be with the beautiful Tashisi in this state? Or is it that Mier knows that he is It seems that he really just wanted to see Zhaxisi before he died. What he got after 300 years of waiting was just seeing each other. Mier’s sentiment is indeed noble, which makes People wake up. Is there such a loyal and great love in the world?" He sighed and thought of his Xue'er again.

Leng Ye clearly remembered that when Xue'er left her, her eyes were also red, but compared to Zhaxisi, Xue'er was much stronger.

However, Leng Ye is [-]% sure that Xue'er's mood at that time was even more complicated than Zhaxisi's now, more depressed, and much more lost.

Thinking about it later, Leng Ye felt that at that time Xueer must have had many secrets in her heart that were not known to the public. It was a secret that even he who had been with him day and night could not tell. Maybe it was because he felt this that he agreed impulsively. He accepted Xueer and agreed to her departure.

That was the impulse he had before, when he didn't have enough strength to deal with major events. If at this time, Leng Ye must let Xueer tell this secret, because at this time he is confident that he has enough strength Help his beloved to overcome any difficulties.

"Xue'er has always liked me and loved me deeply. In the three years we have been together, we have not even quarreled over trivial matters. It is so rare and it can be regarded as a miracle. If she has overcome the difficulties , she should come to me! If she has not overcome the difficulties, she should come to me! She is a person who dares to love and hate but is not pedantic. Why hasn't she come to me so far? Is she really It's..." Thinking of this, Leng Ye's mood dropped to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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