Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1480 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1480 SSS-level missions in the United States (5) ([-])
"Zashisi's father loved Zhaxisi very much, but he had a prejudice against Mier. I simply did my best to be a peacemaker and let their family reunite and share a family relationship." People, now Leng Ye notified the owner of Dodoma City with his unique contact information...

A large number of people gathered outside the church on the Mawenji Peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, completely surrounding the whole church.The leader is none other than Zhaxisi's father, Zha Luohe, the lord of Dodoma City.

"You are waiting here, and no one is allowed in or out!" Zhaluohe ordered, and stepped into the door of the church with one step.

Entering the hall, as soon as Zhaluohe saw Zhaxisi, his whole body immediately became more energetic. After a while, his eyes were already filled with tears, but these were tears of excitement, tears of happiness, tears of family love, The sourness in it contains the deep yearning of an old father for his daughter for [-] years.

"Father..." Zhaxisi obviously also noticed Zha Luohe's arrival, she slowly broke away from Mier's arms, and then threw herself into Zha Luohe's arms and cried loudly.

"Daughter doesn't cry, just come back! Just come back! Dad will never let you go again, and no one will bully you again." Zha Luohe hugged Tashisi in his arms, hearing the words and caring.

Obviously, Zha Luohe also saw Mier, perhaps because he was immersed in the joy of reunion of father and daughter at the moment, and did not take any action against Mier.However, all of this was seen by Leng Ye.

"While the city lord is happy, I must be the peacemaker and make adjustments." Leng Ye didn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let alone waste more of his precious time, so he said directly to Zha Luohe: "Master City Lord, now I rescued Tashisi back, shouldn't you show something?" Leng Ye laughed.

The city lord was startled, and hurriedly said: "Zhaluohe will never forget Shaoxia Leng's great kindness. If Shaoxia Leng does not give up, I am willing to give half of the Duodoma city to Shaoxia Leng in return for Shaoxia Leng's kindness. The little girl's life-saving grace."

Leng Ye smiled, waved his hands, and said: "A gentleman does not take away people's love. Besides, I, Leng Ye, am not a material for governing the city. I absolutely cannot accept it. I only hope that when Leng Ye encounters trouble and visits in the future, I can get it." With the help of the city lord, Leng Ye is already satisfied."

The city lord immediately said: "Young Xia Leng is being polite! From now on, whenever Young Xia Leng has any orders, Zhaluohe will definitely go there immediately even if he is thousands of miles away."

Leng Ye smiled again, and said: "With the words of the city lord, I will be fearless even if I fly into the sky and ride the clouds. I dare not say the order, Leng Ye just hopes that the city lord can agree to the next condition, I don't know what the city will do. ?”

Zhaluohe didn't hesitate at all, and immediately said: "I still say the same thing, the matter of Leng Shaoxia is my Zhaluohe's affairs. Just one word from you, I, Zhaluohe, and all the officials in Dodoma City will go all out. "

(End of this chapter)

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