Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1483 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1483 SSS-level mission of the United States (1) ([-])
Zha Luohe said slowly: "Daughter, please listen and tell you the whole story of this matter slowly." At this moment, he felt extremely ashamed in his heart, sighed, and said: "After I married your mother, Melissa, I will tell you the whole story." , the relationship has always been very good, and I gave birth to you in the second year. Although you are naturally beautiful and intelligent, you are still a girl and cannot be the successor of the city lord, so my father really wants to have another boy. I want him to inherit his father's business. But for some reason, after another five years, Melissa has no more children. I learned from the doctor that it was because I was injured in the battle three years ago and could no longer have children. child.

Knowing this, I directed all my anger on my neighbor who had hurt me, and launched a fierce attack on it.I never even dreamed that this seemingly disparate battle would last more than ten months.When I returned home in triumph, I was surprised to find that Melissa was in labor and gave birth to a boy.Seeing the boy's handsome features, I liked it very much, but when I thought about what the doctor said before, I even felt like dying.

That night, I secretly carried the boy to the doctor for a blood test, and the results confirmed what I had guessed, that the child was not my own.However, family ugliness cannot be publicized, not to mention that I am the prince of Dodoma City and the future successor of the city lord.So, I swallowed my anger and left Melissa and the boy in the mansion, and found someone to take good care of them as a show of favor.

However, the breath held in my heart was really hard to swallow.So I secretly sent someone to spy on every move in Melissa's room, trying to find out the adulterer.The hard work paid off, and on a dark and stormy night, the cronies reported that someone sneaked into Melissa's room.I was so angry that I rushed in with a big knife, and the adulterer died with one knife.

The adulterer is none other than the Prince of Paris, Melissa's cousin Louis Bond.Seeing their two adulterers lying naked on the bed, I wished I could kill Melissa too, but the crying of the child next to me softened my heart and let Melissa go. And drove her and the boy out of the palace. "

Speaking of this, Zha Luohe's eyes were filled with tears again, and his voice became hoarse.

"Dad, I don't know what happened between you and my mother, but I know that you are my real father, and Melissa is also my real mother. No matter what you have done, this cannot be changed. So , and I won't blame any of you. But, Dad, can you tell me why I can't drink with Mier and marry him?"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Zhaxisi was very calm after hearing Zha Luohe's words. Maybe it was because she thought the matter was over and it was useless to talk too much, or maybe it was because she thought it was impossible to give her life. Parents have absolutely no right to blame.Maybe she is really a smart girl who knows what to do and what not to do.At the same time, she is also a girl who dares to love and hate, always talks about her significant other, and actively strives for her own happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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