Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1486 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1486 SSS-level mission of the United States (4) ([-])
"Angry? O(∩_∩)Ohaha~" Melissa's smile was still creepy, and she said again: "You and I have only been married for less than three days, and you go around hooking up and staying out all night. Tomorrow we They are a loving couple, but you and I both know that you stayed in my room for no more than ten nights in total. Especially after I gave birth to Zhaxisi, it was only the night before you went out in October, right? That's what I'm begging for, I just hope that I can help you give birth to a boy to continue your family's blood, that's all. But you don't have sex with me, how can you let me live alone!

After you went to war, I didn't get pregnant either, but the more I thought about it, the more angry I was, and I was angry that you had done me wrong, so I decided to take revenge.It just so happened that my cousin came to see me, haha... You are far behind my cousin.After spending the night with my cousin, I really tasted what it's like to be a woman, and it's been out of control since then, haha...

But I have never forgotten that I am the wife of Prince Dodoma, and I am determined to cut off contact with my cousin after you come back. I hope you can change your mind.But what I never expected was that you were not happy after seeing your son, and you were still so indifferent to me, you didn't even come to see me.At that time, I was angry, I was completely angry.

After having fun with my cousin a few times, I deeply realized how uncomfortable it is for a woman to stay alone in an empty room. As a last resort, I resumed my relationship with my cousin, but I didn't expect you to kill him too.At that time, I had the heart to die.

What I didn't expect anyway was that you scratched my face.Do you know how important appearance is to a woman?You also drove me and my son out of the Prince's Mansion, making it impossible for me to live or die.After several months of begging, I realized that I want to take revenge, and one day I will seek justice for myself.

Haha~~ Zha Luohe, you never expected that after 300 years, not only did I regain my appearance, but I also possessed a peerless skill.Now you should know how I got in, right?Those guards outside of you are really vulnerable.

Zha Luohe, die! "

Mei Lisi glared fiercely at Zaraohe with fierce eyes, and then stabbed him fiercely with the spear in her hand.

The distance between Melissa and Zha Luohe was less than three meters, and the speed of the spear in Melissa's hand was really fast enough. From Leng Ye's point of view, it was absolutely impossible for him to dodge the spear even after absorbing Sannengdan. I couldn't help worrying about Zha Luohe.

With Zha Luohe's cry, Melissa who was running at high speed also stopped.I saw that the long spear in her hand had pierced deeply into Zha Luohe's left shoulder, and the end of the spear was gone.

The whole process was done in one go, so that Leng Ye didn't really see how the spear in Melissa's hand stabbed Zha Luohe.

"Zhaluohe, you...why don't you hide!" Melissa held the spear, her eyes widened, full of concern.It is undeniable that Melissa hated Za Luohe deeply before the gun was pierced. However, after the gun was pierced, the resentment in her heart seemed to disappear suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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