Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1497 The Scary Sword Demon

Chapter 1497 The Scary Sword Demon (1)
"Good wife, don't worry, talk slowly if you have anything to say. By the way, when did you come to Tanzania?" Leng Ye asked.The reason why he asks this is because the communication between the transnational regions is not open.

"Husband, I'm still teleporting here at the border of the American area. The light of the little sun is getting weaker and weaker. I think it will be defeated by that bad woman soon..." Die Wu Nishang said.

Leng Ye hung up the pager before listening to Die Wu Nishang, hurriedly bid farewell to a few people in the church, and crushed the return scroll...

"Sister, send me to the border teleportation station in the US area, there is trouble." Leng Ye hurriedly said to Maya upon seeing her.

"Brother, remember to put on the suit." Maya only said this, and then cast a teleportation spell on Leng Ye.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Leng Ye appeared at the border teleportation array in the American area, and Maya's words of concern were still ringing in his ears.

"Suit? My sister must be talking about the God of War suit." Leng Ye realized that he was about to put on the God of War suit "cheat" from Xuanfeng, when he suddenly realized that he had obtained several pieces after completing the SSS-level mission. I was extremely excited about the components of the Nine Dragons suit, and looked forward to it even more.

At this time Die Wu Nishang had already walked over, and she only heard her say: "Husband, you are finally here." Then, she saw her kiss Leng Ye very boldly, blushed, and ran away quickly.

Leng Ye didn't react for a while, smelling the fragrance of lips left by Die Wu's neon dress, she felt happy, and looked again, the girl had already run ten meters away, and at this moment, she was aiming at Mars with the particle launcher in her hand The curtain, obviously launched an attack on Jenny inside the curtain.

"What a wonderful thing it would be if my good wife kissed me every time before killing monsters!" Leng Ye laughed.Thinking about Die Wu Nishang's hasty call before, Leng Ye realized that the reason Die Wu Nishang called him in such a hurry was definitely not just to offer this sweet kiss on his own initiative, there must be something weird in it, as for what it was, He still doesn't know.

At first Leng Ye was worried that the Martian curtain would reflect and hurt Die Wu Nishang, but after a while, he realized that his worries were unnecessary.At the same time, he also saw that with the continuous attack of the particle emitters, the light of the little sun became stronger and stronger, and after a while, it returned to the normal level and became stable.

Although Leng Ye didn't know whether it was the Die Wu neon clothes or the particle launcher, he felt relieved seeing that the little sun was no longer in danger.Then he took out the components of the Kowloon suit from the Ring of Space one by one:

Nine Dragons Holy Ring, Nine Dragons Sacred Armor, Nine Dragons Sacred Boots, Nine Dragons Sacred Chain, Nine Dragons Cloak, Nine Dragons Jade Pendant, Nine Dragons Sacred Helmet, Nine Dragons Sacred Bracelet, Nine Dragons Mask, a total of nine pieces.

In Lingyun, suits usually have four to five components, and six components are extremely rare.And the Nine Dragon suit has nine components, which is even rarer in the world, and it also includes rare and precious things such as cloaks and masks, which also makes Leng Ye look forward to its attributes even more.

(End of this chapter)

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