Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1502 The Scary Sword Demon

Chapter 1502 The Scary Sword Demon (6)
Bingbing Style is a chance skill, and the Jiulong suit is also a chance skill.As far as we know, the only thing closely related to chance is luck.Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help but look around, and finally his eyes stayed on the naughty princess.

Leng Ye already possessed a high level of luck. If there is the lucky blessing of the mischievous princess, it will be even more powerful when used with the Nine Dragon suit and the Bingbing Style. At that time, it will be difficult for Leng Ye to lose.

Leng Ye never thought that the naughty princess was a bad girl. On the contrary, he had to admit that the naughty princess was not only beautiful but also very smart. If she could get rid of her mischievous nature, Leng Ye would not hate her she is gone.In fact, in the eyes of many men, including Leng Ye of course, the naughty princess is a flawed girl. That's because for a girl, her place is too peaceful, and she can't match her sexy The body is perfectly combined.

I don't know if it's because of my own whim or other reasons, after seeing Zhaxisi and Mier eat the Transformation Pill and recover, Leng Ye couldn't help but think of the naughty princess.Later, Leng Ye took over the whole bottle of Transforming Pill from Melissa, hoping to improve the overall "image" of the naughty princess.At that time, Leng Ye didn't think much about it. Unexpectedly, before the day passed, he dealt with "probability" one after another, and immediately decided to give the Transformation Pill to the naughty princess, hoping that she would have some effect after taking it. Be obedient and be good. Some, in the future, they will be better qualified for the task of blessing blessings.

However, Leng Ye did not immediately hand over the Transformation Pill to the Naughty Princess. Although the person in front of him was basically his wife, but there were so many people, he still had to consider it for the Naughty Princess. After all, she was just a girl under the age of eighteen. little girl.

At this time, Die Wu Nishang suddenly heard shouting: "It's not good! The little sun is about to go out."

Leng Ye hurriedly looked in the direction of the little sun, and found that the little sun was like a gas lamp that had just been turned off, and could be dimmed at any time.Worried about the little sun's comfort in his heart, Leng Ye teleported to the little sun's feet, pulled out his lazy sword, and used a "breaking soldier style" against the thin curtain of Mars, stabbing fiercely inside.

The moment the sword touched the curtain of Mars, Leng Ye intuitively felt a powerful force bounce back from the tip of the sword along the body of the sword towards him.Although this feeling has only been experienced once before, Leng Ye still remembers it vividly. It is a harbinger of death.Once his body is thrown more than ten meters crookedly, he will die immediately.What's even more frightening is that this kind of rebounding attack power seems to make people suffer internal injuries, killing people invisible, making people unavoidable.

Although the moves used in the two attacks were different, but he made the same mistake twice in a row in one day, Leng Ye felt regretful and extremely depressed.

Just when Leng Ye thought she would be ruthlessly thrown like a flying saucer, a miracle happened.He intuited that the strength of this rebound had changed suddenly, from the direction along the sword body to the direction perpendicular to the sword body in an instant.As a result, Leng Ye's entire body was driven by the tangential force on the lazy sword, and began to spin rapidly.This turn is somewhat similar to Leng Ye's whirling sword.

(End of this chapter)

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