Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1511 The Lion King

Chapter 1511 The Lion King (1)
Tanzania Region, Dodoma City, inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Leng Ye sat side by side with Zhaluohe as a guest of honor, drinking Tan's unique black tea, feeling an indescribable sense of honor in his heart.

After a short greeting with Zha Luohe, Leng Ye directly told Zha Luohe the purpose of the trip.Soon, Zhaluohe called back all the animal trainers in Dodoma City.

"Young Xia Leng, it is not difficult to catch lions, but it is really difficult for us to catch 30 lions in a short period of time." One of the animal trainers said, and the other animal trainers also nodded .

Leng Ye looked at the twelve animal trainers present and asked, "Everyone, how many lions can you catch at most in one day?"

The twelve animal trainers looked at each other, whispered to each other, and finally said: "Young Xia Leng, if all goes well, each of us can catch ten lions a day, twelve of them means [-] lions."

"[-] heads a day, the [-] heads need..." Leng Ye counted, startled, and shook his head again.

Suddenly, Leng Ye thought of an old saying: "It is better to teach him to fish than to teach him to fish." He thought: "If I can master the characteristics of the lion, and find a few people from the shrine to learn the skills of taming animals, It must be able to speed up the speed of capture." At that moment, Leng Ye said this idea.

Twelve animal trainers, you look at me, I look at you, contrary to Leng Ye's expectations, they all expressed that they were powerless to Leng Ye's request.After a while, a very thin animal trainer who seemed to be swallowed by a lion in one bite came forward and said to Leng Ye: "Young Xia Leng, if you want to catch 30 lions in a short time, Unless you can capture the Lion King. At that time, whether it is a big lion, a cub, a male lion, a female lion, a lover lion or a husband and wife lion, all will obey your orders."

Leng Ye was startled, and he was full of admiration for this animal trainer, thinking: "Only people with a heart can catch more lions." He hurriedly said: "This little brother knows where the Lion King is active. What kind of strength does it have?"

The animal trainer said: "Young Xia Leng, the Lion King rules over all the lions in the African continent. As for what it looks like, I have no chance to see it, and I don't know where it is at the moment. I heard that it seems to have a supernatural beast. Its strength has not appeared on the mainland for more than 500 years."

Leng Ye can now summon the four super beast-level summons at any time, so he is not afraid of the super-beast-level Lion King.What depressed him was that he went there again to find the Lion King, which hadn't appeared for more than 500 years.

At this moment, a beast trainer in the crowd said: "Young Xia Leng, I heard from a senior that his grandfather had seen the Lion King. The grandfather of that senior told him that the Lion King is so terrifying that it has nine heads... ..."

Hearing this, Leng Ye's heart was shocked, and he thought to himself: "Nine heads, could it be the nine lions? I heard from Moyhawa that the nine lions tried to occupy Tsaratanana Mountain about 500 years ago, and then stayed there. Under the cathedral in Madagascar..."

(End of this chapter)

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