Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1514 The Lion King

Chapter 1514 The Lion King (4)
"Damn! It seems that there will be no life this time!" Leng Ye was depressed, and the lazy sword in his hand was only symbolically waving randomly, and it couldn't hurt the monster at all.

Perhaps it was because of being possessed by Wankuku, Leng Ye found that everything in front of him suddenly stopped, even the densely packed fire skull elves that were moving back and forth before were all still, and they were placed in different shapes, which is not unreasonable. very chic.

A second passed, Leng Ye was fine.

Two seconds passed, and Leng Ye was still intact.

As soon as three seconds passed, Leng Ye's body immediately ignited a raging fire.As soon as the flame burned to his body, Leng Ye felt his whole body warm and very comfortable. After a while, it was like bathing in a sauna, although it was hot and refreshing, and after a while, the flame was really a flame, giving people With burning pain.During the period, Leng Ye also tried the city return scroll and the sword tomb order more than once, but the system prompts he got made him depressed.He closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the result, even more looking forward to a miracle.

At this moment, the Nine Dragons Holy Ring in Leng Ye's hand suddenly emitted a cold light, and then, the entire Nine Dragons suit appeared on his body.In an instant, Leng Ye's whole body was enveloped in purple light, and the cloak behind him fluttered in the wind, majestic and exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

There are nine ferocious dragons on each component of the Nine Dragons suit, and suddenly, a small white dragon with teeth and claws is vacated on each of the nine components.As soon as the nine little white dragons came out, they began to circle around Leng Ye quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was like a tornado was blowing around Leng Ye.Unlike a tornado, his surroundings are not dusty, but cloudy and misty, and the cold air is pressing.

As soon as the cloud and mist came out, the burning flame on Leng Ye's body suddenly went out.

Then, the nine little white dragons returned to the components of the Nine Dragons suit, and then even the entire Nine Dragons suit returned to the display state of the Nine Dragons Holy Ring.

Suddenly feeling cold, Leng Ye hurriedly opened his eyes, and was surprised to find that there was no fire skeleton elf within a radius of five meters on his body, and blurted out: "Seeing that the full dodge of the Nine Dragon suit is better than ten thousand skeletons! "Since Leng Ye kept his eyes closed during the whole process of Nine Dragons' appearance, he took it for granted that all the Nine Dragon suits were dodged.

Seeing that the fire skeleton elf could not die by burning himself, the killing intent for the fire skeleton elf sprouted in his heart again, and he muttered to himself: "These little things are resistant to water, what should I use to deal with them?"

"Bing'er is a mage of the water system, and with the help of Qinglong, she should be the best candidate, but there are too many fire skeleton elves, and I'm afraid she won't be able to handle it. Besides, it's very dangerous to do so. If you are not careful, you will die." The sun is dead. Can't, can't..." After thinking for a moment, Leng Yexi said: "Yes." Hastily stretched out his hand to the ring of space.

The next moment, a white and shiny token appeared in Leng Ye's hands, which was the Arctic Token.

(End of this chapter)

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