Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1529 The Lion King

Chapter 1529 The Lion King (19)
The skill written by Leng Ye based on the "Holy Light Bodyguard" was changed into a skill book after its name was changed to "Returning Resistance", and the effect also changed to "Recover a little patience every five seconds". However, for ordinary people That's enough.That's because their skills consume only one-tenth of the endurance of Leng Ye.

"If every combatant in the Jingu Temple has the 'recovery skill', they will have the ability to last in the national battlefield, and they will not be afraid even if they fight continuously. Haha~" Looking at this skill, Leng Ye couldn't help feeling a little bit Unfortunately, that's because only [-] copies can be produced in one day.

"Husband, that shemale's strength is unpredictable, we must not let him learn this skill." Shuang'er reminded.

From several battles with Toughness (Wei Renzi), Leng Ye can see that although Toughness's endurance can be increased, it is definitely not a skill that passively increases continuously.Although Leng Ye now has the confidence to defeat tenacity, but if the human monster learns the skill of "Returning Endurance", it will be difficult to deal with it.Shuang'er's reminder also made Leng Ye realize that he must be extremely cautious in the process of imparting the skill book. Naturally, he entrusted this glorious and great task to the careful Shuang'er.

"Husband, with this skill, we can be the logistics team of the Jingu in the future?" Shuang'er said suddenly.

"A big man should go forward, how can he be a logistics force?" Leng Ye was startled, and then understood what Shuang'er meant.

(End of this chapter)

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