Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 153 Endurance Training

Chapter 153 Endurance Training (2) ([-])
However, Leng Ye felt free and energetic, because he clearly felt that he was gradually conquering this invisible killer who was sharp but not sharp and was used as a weapon by countless revolutionary ancestors and literary masters. up.

Leng Ye looked at the "eggs" he had drawn, one was like a [-], the other was like a [-], and he grinned silly.

"I'm not a painter. I can only paint such an effect in such a short period of time. I can only say that I am a genius. Shuang'er will praise me when she sees it." Leng Ye comforted herself with satisfaction, immersed in this kind of painting. The joy of painting eggs.

"Because of your half-heartedness, remove the chair."

Leng Ye suddenly heard a familiar voice, looked at it, it turned out to be the egg on the table, before he understood what was going on, his butt fell heavily to the ground.

It's really like a dragon swimming in shallow water and being teased by shrimps, and a tiger falling in Pingyang and being bullied by dogs.Even though good things are full of hardships, who is like drawing eggs in a cold night.

When Leng Ye understood what was going on, he opened his mouth to curse, but stopped in time.Leng Ye knew that the consequence of doing that would definitely not be as simple as being punished to stand.

This fall, on the contrary, made Leng Ye more energetic, and continued to start the great project of painting eggs.

The idiom "Practice makes perfect" applies to anyone, no matter if he is a genius or a lunatic, of course, it is no exception for Leng Ye, who is relatively smart.

About half a day later, the eggs painted by Leng Ye have gradually lost their tails from the small tadpole shapes of [-] and [-]. Even if they are not round or oval, they are quite smooth when viewed with a big eye.

After a while, the eggs on Leng Ye's painting looked the same as those on the table, but the eggs on the table hadn't disappeared yet.

"How does it count as success?" Leng Ye was puzzled and said to himself.

"At least the shape must be [-]% consistent." Egg spoke again.

Leng Ye frowned after listening to Egg's words.What makes Leng Ye amusing is that there is a human eye on the egg, which blinks. What is even more ridiculous is that when the egg talks, that eye becomes a mouth, becoming a veritable blind egg.

Is [-] (percent sign) achievable by human hands?If so, it must be a coincidence.Since the task of this system is set by humans, can humans complete it?Leng Ye's answer is yes, because besides having a smart mind, he also has the determination not to admit defeat and the patience to deal with things.

Before he knew it, Leng Ye had already stayed in the studio for [-] hours, but he was still painting hard, while Shuang'er was still soundly asleep.

The decoration of the studio is very simple, except for the portraits of Da Vinci plastered on the walls, there are tables and chairs for painting and the sofa under Shuang'er, and now the chairs are gone.

Suddenly, Leng Ye saw the eggs turning, as if they were dancing.What attracted Leng Ye's attention was not the egg itself, but the flickering shadow under the egg.

(End of this chapter)

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