Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1541 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1541 The Mysterious American Devil (9) ([-])
The next moment, Leng Ye appeared in the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God Palace.

"Brother son, have you found out how the American devils crossed the border?" Leng Ye asked.

The down-and-out young man shook his head and sighed: "Not yet. The American devils were able to capture the Mexican region in one day and massacred countless people, but our intelligence personnel did not find any clues about how they crossed the border. fathom."

Leng Ye smiled and asked, "Brother, do you know the number of people who participated in the battle in the US that day."

The down-and-out young man nodded and said: "The number of American devils who participated in the war that day was about [-], and the majority of them were women, accounting for nine cities. With these [-] elites, the American devils and members of the third largest gang in Mexico together They actually wiped out all the other gangs in the Mexico region in one day. No matter how strong the [-] elites are, it is impossible to defeat tens of millions of people in a short period of time, which is really incredible."

Leng Ye was startled, and asked, "Brother, are you sure that the American devils dispatched only one hundred thousand elites at that time."

The Lost Young Master nodded resolutely, and said: "According to intelligence personnel's feedback, these 200 elites successively captured the first and second largest gangs in the Mexico region in less than an hour, and took all these Both the two major gangs have been transferred to the name of the third largest gang. It should be noted that the number of these two major gangs, together with dozens of allied gangs, is more than [-] million."

Leng Ye let out a long sigh and said, "It seems that the American devils have opened the underground cemetery and released their army of underground undead." His face darkened.

The poor young man was startled, and immediately asked: "Xiao Ye, why do you think so? Our people didn't see them using the so-called undead army."

Leng Ye thought to himself: "The army of undead is a group of mysterious existences, even if they kill people, they will not give the system a reminder. The divine apprehension technique is the only skill, how could they see it." So he said to the poor son: "Brother, I just got reliable information from Maya that the American Devils crossed the Mexican border using a prop called a 'Time Tunnel'. This prop allows one person to cross the border every second for three hours without being caught by border guards I found out that the following twelve hours are the freezing period. That is to say, in one day, at most [-] players can cross the border through the space-time tunnel."

The poor young man hurriedly said, "Xiao Ye, but it is clear that more than [-] American devils have entered the Mexico area, and the border guards in the Mexico area have not been killed. How can this be explained?"

Leng Ye smiled, pointed to the ring on his finger, and said, "Brother, according to the information you gave me, the Citi Gang, one of the two major gangs in the United States, has nearly 80 gang members, of which the female gang members are It accounted for more than 50. Am I not mistaken?"

(End of this chapter)

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