Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1547 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1547 The Mysterious American Devil (15) ([-])
"Comparing speed? Brother, are you kidding me again? Do you know how many [-]'s there are in the speed item of the border guards? Not to mention me, even Xiaobai and Peng'er combined are not as fast as him. Oh... oh, brother You mean to let me use teleportation, right? But the border guards’ teleportation has been practiced superbly, far better than me!" Leng Ye sighed.

"Brother, you are right. If you look at it alone, the super magic beast Jin...Gold Wing...Gold Wing Dapeng is not as fast as the border guards. Let me ask, Brother, do you still remember the two of us that day? You said something about 'human and sword unite'?" Zhu Longquan said.He didn't stutter when he was excited like Chang Baicao, but he still hesitated when he said the words Garuda.

From Zhu Longquan's expression and tone, Leng Ye could naturally feel his fear of the golden-winged roc. Although he still didn't understand the truth of the matter, he also knew why Longquan and Baicao were so hesitant and twitchy before.Of course, Leng Ye also understood that the "sorrow" they mentioned had something to do with the Golden-winged Roc.If the golden-winged roc bird's life was to be exchanged for Xuanfeng's life, Leng Ye was determined to oppose it.

"Big brother! Big brother!" Seeing Leng Ye bowing his head in silence, with a solemn expression, Zhu Longquan asked a few words.

"Oh. You mean that you want Peng'er and me to form a combination similar to 'Human Sword Unity'?" Leng Ye said carelessly, worried about Peng'er's safety.

"Big brother is really big brother, I guess right, my admiration for you is like a torrent of water..." Zhu Longquan immediately flattered him again.This not only relieved the gloomy atmosphere at the scene, but also distracted Leng Ye from his previous anger towards them.

"Tell me how I can 'unify human and sword' with Peng'er?" Although Leng Ye didn't intend to take Peng'er to kill Xuanfeng, he still couldn't wait to know about this.

"Brother, this is the same as the 'Unity of Man and Sword', and the pursuit is also the connection of minds. As long as you and Peng'er can achieve the connection of minds, you can surpass your mind, thereby stimulating the potential of the two, and reaching an unprecedented speed. It is natural to be able to surpass the shooting speed and teleportation speed of the border guards." Zhu Longquan said.

Leng Ye originally wanted to ask how to achieve a mind-to-heart connection, but suddenly felt that this question was ridiculous, so he simply didn't ask again, patted Longquan and Baicao on the shoulders, then left the blacksmith shop, and immediately called Diewu Nishang .

A sweet voice soon came from over there: "Husband, what's the matter?"

Leng Ye said: "Good wife, wait for me at the border teleportation array immediately." Then he hung up, and then called the naughty princess.

"Naughty sister, do you have time now?" Leng Ye asked politely, feeling a little uneasy.

"Brother Leng Ye, you are free to call me whenever you want. What's the matter? Tell me!" The voice of the mischievous princess was very gentle, and there was no trace of savagery.

"Naughty sister, I have something nice for you. If you want it, go back to the city immediately." Leng Ye hung up after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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