Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1550 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1550 The Mysterious American Devil (2) ([-])
Diewu Nishang is not stupid, although he doesn't know what Leng Ye is going to do, but he can see that he has something on his mind, and said: "Husband, you must have ulterior motives for making me call molestation just now?" Revisit the "system punishment" of the day in front of the border guards? But this kind of thing is usually done in front of the priest! Yes, he did things unexpectedly, otherwise he could become the leader of the largest gang in China Woolen cloth!"

"Do you still remember what happened at the gate of the blacksmith shop that day? I just wanted to..." Before Leng Ye could finish speaking, Die Wu Nishang hurriedly covered his mouth.Firstly, she had guessed Leng Ye's intention, secondly, because she figured out the key to the problem.Hastily said to Leng Ye: "Honey, I understand what you mean, but that kind of situation will never happen again."

"We haven't registered for marriage, and 'indecent' is still valid, what does it mean, good wife?" At that moment, Leng Ye was puzzled, and looked at Die Wu Nishang again.

"Husband, I... I... You... Are you good or bad!" Die Wu Nishang hesitated, hesitated to speak, her face turned even redder, and then buried her head deeply in Leng Ye's embrace.

"You? Me? Am I good or bad? What does this mean?" Leng Ye really didn't understand the reason, gently stroked the back of Die Wu's neon dress, and whispered in her ear: "Good wife, I really don't know. The enemy is now, only by killing Xuanfeng and killing the American "dog" behind closed doors, can we make an example of others and make them fear China. Do you have anything to hide from your husband? That's it. Bar!"

Diewu Nishang gently broke free from Leng Ye's arms, looked at Leng Ye affectionately, and found that both his tone and expression were extremely sincere, and shyly said: "Husband, it is the auxiliary magic weapon particle launcher." As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned even redder.

"What's wrong with the particle emitter? Could it be that the auxiliary magic weapon can make her accusation against me fail?" Leng Ye still didn't understand, looked at Diewu Nishang, and shook his head.

Die Wu Nishang thought that Leng Ye was pretending to be confused, and thought: "Mom said that there are some things that men know, but they still like to hear it from their own women to prove that he is a man. Is it true that my husband is also like this? "Thinking of this, my face was hot, and I collected myself, and said to Leng Ye: "Husband, I chose the husband and wife slave on the particle launcher. Now you understand? Are you satisfied!" After saying the next two sentences, It's more or less coquettish.

Perhaps out of special care for women, the users of the auxiliary magic tools must be women, even if the recipients of the magic tools are men, they still have to be used by women.Because it is an auxiliary magic weapon, one side of it affects the "master" and the other side affects the "slave".If the auxiliary magic weapon is obtained and used directly by a woman, this woman is both the "master" and the "slave", but the hidden power of the master-slave unique to the magic weapon will be difficult to realize.Only when the "master" and "slave" are separated independently can this hidden power be brought into play.Moreover, as the tacit understanding between the "master" and "slave" increases, the power of the auxiliary magic weapon also increases unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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