Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1553 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1553 The Mysterious American Devil (5) ([-])
System prompt: The player Mischief Princess accused you of indecent assault, please accept the punishment of nine thunders.

When Leng Ye heard it, he saw a bolt of lightning strike from above.Don't miss the chance, at this critical moment, Leng Ye hastily communicated with Xuanfeng with his thoughts, and entered the special space for talking with Xuanfeng in the blink of an eye.

"Haha~" Leng Ye looked at Xuanfeng proudly, convinced that as soon as Tianlei threatened his life, the lazy sword would immediately fly out of the protector.As long as the lazy sword has withstood the nine thunderbolts and repelled the demon-killing sword, there will be a great chance to instantly kill Xuanfeng with its demonic power.

In addition, Leng Ye and even the potential of the lazy sword, he even had some expectation that the nine thunders this time could stimulate the potential of the lazy sword.

Leng Ye found that Xuanfeng was looking at him with a wicked smile on his face, and before he could open his mouth to speak, the severe pain came, his eyes darkened, and he lost consciousness.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by the first thunder, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

Leng Ye was greatly shocked, endured the severe pain, looked around, and found that Xuanfeng's face was serious again, obviously, he had already left the special space where he had a conversation with Xuanfeng, and the hand holding his arm before the naughty princess She also let go, and she stood beside Leng Ye, still calm.The others were extremely surprised that Leng Ye was not struck to death by the thunder, and they were all in a trance, dumbfounded.

"Damn it, is the lazy sword dead?" Leng Ye was extremely depressed, and found that the lazy sword was still held firmly in his hand, and did not fly out like last time.In the sky above, there was only the second thunderbolt waiting to be sent out, but there was no shadow of the Demon Slaughter Sword.It seems that Lazy Sword is only interested in the Devil Slaughter Sword with the same strength as it.

"There are nine thunders in total, but He Shibi can only be revived eight times. What should I do? Call Shuang'er and Lan Lan, and of course they can be resurrected four more times. There are nine waves of attacks, if that's the case, I will only die." Leng Ye shook his head, denying such a thought again.

About ten seconds later, the second thunder fell from the sky again, hitting Leng Ye's body, killing him in the blink of an eye.However, the vitality of Leng Ye with He's Bi was still intact, and he still stood in front of the public, which surprised them again.

"I don't know if Tianlei really has the ability to follow." Thinking of this, Leng Ye took advantage of the Tianlei still falling, and once again entered the special space of dialogue with Xuanfeng.

"Young Xia Leng, welcome! Welcome! Have you figured out where to go?" Xuanfeng asked politely.

Leng Ye looked at Xuanfeng's "wretched look", and had an idea, and said, "I will give you 200 million gold coins, can you teleport me to a place where I can escape the nine thunders?" After being killed by the wind, Leng Ye knew that his death would not be worth it, and he didn't want his level to go to zero, so he simply broke his fortune to eliminate the disaster.Furthermore, such a small amount of 200 million gold coins is no longer considered money in Leng Ye's eyes.

Xuanfeng was stunned, and asked: "Young Xia Leng, are you talking about the nine thunders that punish perverts?" He deliberately emphasized the word "pervert", with a full sense of sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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